NCAMP 2021 questions and answers

Answers to questions that are asked about the National Collections Annual Maintenance Project.

If a DHB is unable to make the changes until after 1 July 2021, will the data sent to PRIMHD have to include the new FWI field, or can the extract data remain as it is until the changes are in place. What values should be inputted or can it be left blank?

If a DHB is unable to make the changes until after 1 July 2021, will the data sent to PRIMHD have to include the new FWI field, or can the extract data remain as it is until the changes are in place. What values should be inputted or can it be left blank?

You can continue to submit your extract without the FWI field as per normal as it is optional at present (until 2022) retaining the current file version. You will receive a warning that there is missing data but the file will process. Alternatively, you can submit your extract with a blank data element placeholder for FWI and the application will insert a “0” in place of the blank using file version 2.4. You will receive a warning that there is missing data but the file will process

Will there be formal scripted compliance for NCAMP 2021?

Will there be formal scripted compliance for NCAMP 2021?

There will be no formal scripted compliance for NCAMP 2021 however all first production files will be processed through compliance first. Some file submitters have raised the question of how to submit their first production file post NCAMP 21 implementation.

It would be appreciated if submitters could place their first production files as notated below:

NMDS: Placed in usual folder with TEST in the file header
NBRS: Placed in usual folder with CMPL in the file header
NNPAC: Placed in the nnpac/COMPLIANCE folder
PRIMHD: Same location as PROD, but prefix file with 'COMP_' (eg

NCAMP 2021 changes to the National Collections

The changes to the national systems effective from 1 July 2021 affect the National Minimum Dataset, the National Non-Admitted Patient Collection, National Health Index, National Patient Flow, and the Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data.

NCAMP 2021 supporting documents

Supporting documents for the national collections and WIESNZ21 implementation, including file specifications, error codes and data dictionaries, and the high level business requirements for NCAMP 2021.