NCAMP 2022 changes to the National Collections

The changes and advisories to the national systems effective from 1 July 2022 affect the National Booking Reporting System, National Minimum Data Set, National Patient Flow, the National Non-Admitted Patient Collection, Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data and the National Health Index.

National Booking Reporting System (NBRS)

National Booking Reporting System (NBRS)

National Minimum Data Set (NMDS)

National Minimum Data Set (NMDS)

National Patient Flow (NPF)

National Patient Flow (NPF)

National Non-admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) Advisories

National Non-admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) Advisories

Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) Advisory

Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) Advisory

National Health Index (NHI) Advisories

National Health Index (NHI) Advisories

NCAMP 2022 implementation

Answers to implementation questions that are asked about the National Collections Annual Maintenance Project.

Compliance testing for NCAMP 2022

There will be no formal scripted compliance for NCAMP 2022 however, all first production files will be processed through compliance first. Some file submitters have raised the question of how to submit their first production file post NCAMP 22 implementation. It would be appreciated if submitters could place their first production files as notated below:

  • NMDS: Placed in the usual folder with TEST in the file header
  • NBRS: Placed in the usual folder with CMPL in the file header
  • NNPAC: Placed in the nnpac/COMPLIANCE folder
  • NPF: Placed in the NPF CMPL Dropoff folder with CMPL in the batch name

Could you please contact us when you are implementing your NCAMP system changes in order for us to work together to ensure a smooth transition via

PRIMHD FWI indicator

Please continue to implement the FWI indicator and start using this when you have implemented it prior to the new mandatory date of 1 July 2023.

NCAMP 2022 supporting documents

Supporting documents for the national collections and WIESNZ22 implementation, including file specifications, error codes and data dictionaries, and the high level business requirements for NCAMP 2022.

NCAMP 2022

NCAMP 2022