About this item

Issue date:
23 May 2024
Corporate Authors:
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, Pacific Perspectives
Strategies and plans
Pacific health, Workforce

This overview and supporting documents sets out a vision for the Pacific health workforce through analysing and describing the sector’s experience and needs around training, recruiting, upskilling, and retaining Pacific health staff, as well as providing recommendations for how the system should change to better support the growth and development of Pacific health workforces.

Download: Overview report - DOCX, 1.7 MB

Accessible word document

Download: Describing the workforce - DOCX, 1.6 MB

Accessible word document

Download: Forming the workforce - DOCX, 1.7 MB

Accessible word document

Download: Voices from the field - DOCX, 852 KB

Accessible word document

Download: Learner journey - DOCX, 1.1 MB

Accessible word document