Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme Policy Framework

The Ministry of Health, in conjunction with clinical and scientific experts, community organisations and other Government agencies developed policy and governance arrangements for the Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme.

The Policy Framework formalises the policy for all programme activities and defines:

  • overall programme policies and governance
  • programme provider responsibilities
  • lead maternity carer responsibilities
  • laboratory responsibilities
  • processes for the return, storage and uses of residual blood spot samples
  • requirements for changes to the programme.

There were two key changes to previous Programme policies and procedures. The changes are that:

  1. governance arrangements have been clearly documented, and the roles and responsibilities between the Ministry of Health, Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme operations and the Governance Team have been clarified
  2. storage and use requirements for residual blood spot cards have been clearly defined, including the process required if the residual blood spot card is to be returned to individuals or family.

Key messages and associated questions and answers have been revised to support health practitioners in the provision of newborn metabolic screening services.

Please note the NMSP Policy Framework needs to be updated to reflect the Ministry of Health and Health NZ structural changes that have occurred since 2011.

Download: Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme monitoring indicators – February 2018 - PDF, 436 KB

This document dated February 2018 updates and replaces the indicators in the Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme Monitoring Framework, November 2010

Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme Policy Framework Decisions

Read the 2011 Cabinet Paper regarding the new policy and governance arrangements for the Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme and the Cabinet Social Policy Committee Minute of Decision.

Monitoring indicators

The Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme monitoring indicators - February 2018 (PDF, 436 KB) updates and replaces the indicators in the Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme Monitoring Framework, November 2010.

It is imperative that families in New Zealand can trust the NMSP is working to a high level of quality. At regular intervals, NMSP data is analysed and reviewed by experts using the NMSP monitoring Framework. This is one of several systems that ensures the programme is working well and meeting its objectives.

Monitoring reports

Monitoring Reports are produced by the Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora in collaboration with LabPLUS, Auckland District Health Board.

The NMSP Technical Working Group review draft data and the Monitoring Reports and make recommendations. Information in the Annual Reports include coverage, use of residual stored blood spot samples and the number of screened disorders detected by the NMSP.