The environment is a key determinant of human health and wellbeing. Environmental factors impacting on health can be physical, chemical, biological, social, or psychosocial.  Some of the key factors are highlighted here.

  • Built environment

    The built environment affects our everyday lives in both negative and positive ways.
  • Climate change and environmental health

    The impacts of climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand will become more pronounced as time goes on.
  • Drinking water

    The new regulator, Taumata Arowai, took over as the drinking water regulator on 15 November 2021 when the Water Services Act 2021 came into effect.
  • Environmental health in emergencies (goes to another website)

    In the event of an emergency, unhealthy conditions can develop. You may survive a major disaster but be at risk of serious illness.
  • Food

    This section describes the regulation of food in New Zealand and where to find food safety information.
  • Hazardous substances

    Hazardous substances are common in homes, workplaces, and public areas. Find out more about the various substances and how they affect health.
  • Heat (goes to another website)

    Extreme heat can cause illness and death, but effective planning and actions can reduce its effects on health.
  • Household items and electronics (goes to another website)

    Technology is a part of our everyday lives – it’s important to know that our household items and electronics are safe.
  • Noise (goes to another website)

    Noise that is too loud can damage your hearing forever. Learn which noises to be aware of, and how to protect yourself and your whānau.
  • Non-ionising fields

    Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health provide advice to Government and the public on the health effects of non-ionising fields.
  • Pests, insects, bites and stings

    Learn how to get rid of pests like rats and bed bugs, and what you can do if you get bitten or stung.
  • Recreational water (goes to another website)

    New Zealanders enjoy swimming and water activities in the sea, rivers and lakes. These waterways can impact human health if they become contaminated.
  • Sewerage

    Adequate sanitary works in communities are the most effective and usually the most efficient means of managing the risks to health from sewerage.
  • Sunbeds

    Using a sunbed is never recommended. They are not a safe way to tan or boost your vitamin D.
  • Publications (goes to another website)

    We publish a range of information on environmental health, from strategies and plans to guidance for public health officers.