About the NZ Formulary

The New Zealand Formulary (NZF) is an independent resource for health professionals, with clinically validated medicines information and guidance on best practice so safe and effective medicines can be selected for patients.

It builds on the information in the New Zealand Universal List of Medicine (NZULM), which shows the prescribable medicines in New Zealand and has practical, point-of-care advice for health professionals.

The NZF has four main components:

  • a preliminary section of general notes on medicines use
  • practical notes on specific therapeutic categories
  • detailed summaries (monographs) of individual medicines and,
  • via linkage with the NZULM, details of preparations available and relevant subsidy information.


The New Zealand Formulary provides an up-to-date, comprehensive and New Zealand-specific medicines information resource for New Zealanders, health professionals, including:

  • practical, point-of-care advice for all health professionals
  • comprehensive and concise medicines information
  • reputable, robust and up-to-date information
  • information from PHARMAC and Medsafe
  • Stockley’s interactions and BNF (British National Formulary) interaction summaries.

It is easy to access and use, free of charge to New Zealand health professionals and updated monthly.

The New Zealand Formulary was launched in July 2012 and the New Zealand Formulary for Children was launched in October 2013. 

It is also used in clinical management systems for prescribing, dispensing and administering medicines in both primary and secondary care settings.

Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patterns

NZF: a free resource for clinicians

The NZF is an independent resource providing healthcare professionals with clinically validated medicines information and guidance on best practice, enabling healthcare professionals to select safe and effective medicines for individual patients.