Mātauranga Māori is the knowledge system that encompasses Māori culture, values, traditions, and worldviews. It has evolved over countless generations, with its roots in the wisdom of ancestors. 

Key components of mātauranga Māori: 

  • Whakapapa: genealogy and understanding the interconnections between everything and everyone. Māori believe that all things, whether animate or inanimate, are connected through descent. 
  • Wairua: the spiritual dimension including unseen energies and connections. Spiritual health and wellbeing are of upmost importance to Māori. 
  • Tikanga: often translated as ‘The right way of doing things.' These customs and protocols guide behaviour and actions, ensuring harmony and balance. 
  • Taiao: the environment and the natural world. Māori have an intimate relationship with their whenua, awa, and all living beings. 

Mātauranga Māori is the foundation for our mahi and includes: 

  • Gathering whānau voice – developing local, regional, and national networks of whānau Māori across Aotearoa New Zealand to raise their voice within the system. 
  • Iwi Māori relations – empowering whānau, hapū and iwi to make decisions and strive for their own tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake in the health system. This is both through Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards and strong relationships with hapori, hapū, iwi and hauora Māori providers.
  • Te reo me ōna tikanga – embedding and upholding te reo me ōna tikanga across the health system as the gateway to understanding te ao Māori views and Māori models of hauora. 
  • Innovation – identifying new ways to achieve hauora by supporting and commissioning Māori models of hauora and rongoā in service delivery and Māori workforce development. 
  • Policy design – ensuring that te ao Māori concepts, whakaaro, and mātauranga Māori principles guide the development and implementation of health policies and strategies. 
  • Monitoring – checking that mātauranga Māori, te ao Māori and hauora Māori models are present within every hauora setting, and our health system is improving outcomes for whānau Māori.