Funding is about so much more than pūtea. 

Through commissioning and funding, we’re growing and supporting hauroa Māori partners to deliver te ao Māori solutions. We’re making sure Māori voices are at the heart of planning, development, design, and delivery of services at every level of the health system.  

Our funding activities are aimed at improving whānau wellbeing and the choice of quality healthcare services available to everyone in Aotearoa.

By commissioning and funding health services, we: 

  • prioritise partnerships with Māori to lead service design and delivery.  
  • ensure whānau voices are at the heart of the design and improvement of services
  • grow and develop te ao Māori solutions by supporting our hauora Māori partners
  • work with partner organisations including Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards, hauora Māori providers and professionals, iwi, hapū and Māori communities.

Getting outcomes 

We fund hauora services aligned with actions outlined in Te Pae Tata | Interim New Zealand Health Plan and the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act. 

We are also guided by the Hauora Māori Outcomes Framework. 

Our funding decisions are published to ensure transparency and openness. We report to our board on funding decisions, with regular updates to our Minister. 

Reviewing services for Māori needs 

When new health services are commissioned or existing services are reviewed, we ensure they reflect the aspirations and needs of whānau Māori.  

If they are not performing for Māori, we identify areas for improvement.