Hawke's Bay

Occupational therapy services in the Hawke's Bay, including referral processes and contact details.

Occupational therapy neurological outpatient services

Occupational therapy neurological outpatient services

An Occupational Therapist works with people age 16 years and above who are presenting with a neurological condition that is impacting on their ability to function fully in their daily occupations.

Treatment services include:

  • Upper limb treatment
  • Cognitive rehabilitation (including memory, problem solving and attention)
  • Perceptual rehabilitation (vision, spatial awareness, making sense of their environment)
  • Splinting (muscle tone changes after neurological event)
  • Graduated return to work and work readiness assessment (non- ACC)
  • Promoting maximum functional independence in daily activities
  • Fatigue management

The treatment can occur in either the patient’s home, the Occupational Therapy department at Hawke’s Bay Hospital or other relevant setting (such as a workplace or community environment). Family/whānau support to be involved is welcomed. Interpreters are available if required.

Occupational therapy driving assessment services

Occupational therapy driving assessment services

If your GP or treating health professional is not sure whether their patient is medically fit to drive they may refer to an Occupational Therapist for a driving assessment. The first part of this assessment process is called an Off-Road Assessment which is office-based and includes:

  • Basic vision screening
  • Assessment of physical functions – such as range of movement, strength, coordination and
  • Patient judgment
  • Patient memory
  • Patient movement and decision making times
  • How patient’s mind understands what is being seen
  • Knowledge of road rules and signs.

Sometimes drivers are required to provide a medical certificate as part of their driver’s license application if they are:

  • renewing past your 75th birthday;
  • have a medical condition that has affected their ability to drive safely (for example. stroke
    or other neurological condition, cardiovascular condition, diabetes, epilepsy or locomotor
  • requested to do so by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)

If the Off-Road assessment recommends an On-Road Assessment to confirm the results, patients will be referred on to a private practitioner as these assessments are not funded by Health NZ - Hawke's Bay.

For further information on Occupational Therapy Driver Assessments:

  • contact the Health NZ - Hawke's Bay Outpatient team on phone 06 878 1304
  • visit www.nzta.govt.nz (search OT assessment or factsheet 51)

Burns and scar management

Burns and scar management

The Occupational Therapy service can provide both ACC and non-ACC funded services for patients who require burn and scar management treatments.

Referral process

Referral process

Download and complete the referral form (PDF 211KB)

The Outpatient referral centre email address is: OPD.Villas@hbdhb.govt.nz

Contact us

Contact us

Health New Zealand - Hawke’s Bay
Occupational Therapy Service
Phone 06 878 8109 ext 2527