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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
Phishing alerts
Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
For health professionals
Health sector updates
Health sector updates
We want to make sure that the whole health sector knows what's going on
Whatu Tāniko
Stakeholder hui
We hold regular virtual hui for our sector and service provider stakeholders. You'll find recordings and presentations from these hui on this page.
Ruruku newsletter
For the latest Health NZ news and updates, subscribe to our fortnightly e-newsletter for the many partners, providers and suppliers we work with.
News and updates
Stay informed with the latest news and updates, and vital healthcare developments.
Data breaches
Find out about the latest data breach and what we're doing to make sure it doesn't happen again.
New information sharing schemes
ACC Accredited Employer Programme
On 1 April 2024, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ) will join the ACC Accredited Employer Programme (AEP).
Also in this section
Clinical guidance
Data and statistics
Employment relations
Health research
Health sector updates
Health workforce development
My Health Account Workforce
Nutrition and Dietetics
Public health alerts
Voluntary Bonding Scheme
Webmail and applications