Health NZ is moving to a whole-of-organisation approach to managing kaimahi work-related injuries and claims by joining the ACC AEP as a single entity on 1 April 2024. 

This will bring together our five districts and six enabling services currently operating under diverse ACC arrangements.

This will align those joining the programme with the majority of Health NZ (approximately 85%), covered by existing ACC AEP agreements established by their former District Health Boards (DHBs). For those districts already in existing AEP agreements, your arrangements will remain the same and you won't experience significant changes.


What is the Accredited Employer Programme?

What is the Accredited Employer Programme?

The ACC Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) allows Health NZ to manage work-related injury claims for all kaimahi, emphasising health, safety, and rehabilitation.

By participating in the programme, we reduce costs previously paid to the ACC and take on responsibilities for coverage decisions, claims payment, and supporting rehabilitation efforts.

Why are we joining the ACC AEP as a single entity?

Why are we joining the ACC AEP as a single entity?

Becoming part of the ACC AEP aligns with our focus on enhancing health and safety throughout the organisation and providing seamless, appropriate support to our kaimahi in the case of work-related injuries.

It promotes proactive injury prevention, timely claims management, and enhances rehabilitation opportunities for those joining the ACC AEP.

What does it mean for you?

What does it mean for you?

Most kaimahi won't experience significant changes. The majority of the organisation (approximately 85%) operates under existing ACC AEP agreements established by their former DHBs.

However, for the five districts and six enabling services who are not yet ACC AEP members, their claims will initially be managed by a third-party administrator (TPA) under the ACC AEP.

What is the timeframe for transition to ACC AEP?

What is the timeframe for transition to ACC AEP?

If admitted to the programme, Health NZ will be fully accredited from 1 April 2024 and will transition to an organisation-wide workplace injury claim management system over a period of two years. 

In the medium-term, Health NZ will make improvements to existing systems and will consult with staff as change is undertaken. 

How do we ensure your privacy is protected?

How do we ensure your privacy is protected?

Health NZ will ensure all practices relating to ACC AEP comply with the Privacy Act 2020 and all other New Zealand privacy law.   Personal information relating to claims will be held securely and only used for managing the claim it is associated with. 

What would your compensation look like?

What would your compensation look like?

Under the AEP, Health NZ will pay all claims costs for support, treatment and rehabilitation under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 – including paying weekly compensation for accepted claims where the individual affected cannot work.  The compensation rate is 80% of salary, which will remain the same under the new AEP arrangement.     

What is a Third-party administrators and their role?

What is a Third-party administrators and their role?

Third-party administrators (TPAs) are contracted firms that manage claims and make decisions on behalf of an accredited employer.  Initially, Health NZ will retain three TPAs, currently servicing 15 former DHBs, if accepted into the AEP.  TPAs will work will all former DHBs and Agencies under any new ACC AEP arrangement. A TPA may carry out functions on behalf of Health NZ, but Health NZ retains overall responsibility of the claim and case management. 

Which districts and enabling services are joining the ACC AEP?

Which districts and enabling services are joining the ACC AEP?

The five districts and six enabling services joining the ACC AEP are Lakes, Tairawhiti, Wairarapa, South Canterbury, Health Source, Health Alliance, Health Share, Central Region Technical Advisory Services, Northern Regional Alliance and NZ Health Partnerships.

Who do I contact for more information?

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information or to ask any questions email the programme team: