Radiation oncology waitlist data - Business rules

The National Radiation Oncology Group have developed business rules to support the consistent management and monitoring of referrals to public radiation oncology services. These business rules have been endorsed by the Radiation Oncology Working Group (ROWG) at Te Aho o Te Kahu Cancer Control Agency.

Radiation Oncology Working Group (ROWG) - Te Aho o Te Kahu Cancer Control Agency

A person is referred to a radiation oncologist who will consider the radiation therapy schedule required to destroy or reduce the growth of cancer cells or relieve their cancer symptoms. Radiation therapy uses radiation beams or x-rays to damage cancer cells while limiting any affects to the healthy cells.

How to use the business rules

The business rules provide best practice clinical criteria for radiation oncology services to apply when a person is referred for their first radiation oncology specialist appointment, based on the type and stage of their cancer, and when they need to begin treatment. The rules are guidelines only - a specialist may recommend a different timeframe or approach based on a patient’s individual needs, concerns, or other health conditions.

The business rules also support the collection of consistent and accurate waitlist data across the country. This enables monitoring and management of radiation oncology waitlists at public hospitals/services and helps to ensure people receive treatment in a timely way. It also informs local, regional, and national decision-making to ensure services are available equitably across the country. It is important to note that the waitlist data may not include other service and operational arrangements in place to manage waitlists and support timely access to treatment. Examples of operational arrangements which aren’t captured in business rules include use of locums, outsourcing to a private provider, additional clinics or staff working extended hours/shifts.

As the business rules are implemented consistently across the country, it will enable anonymised waitlist data to be collected and reported on automatically in the future.

About the National Radiation Oncology Group

This group involves radiation oncology clinical and service delivery leaders kaimahi (staff) at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. The group monitors waitlist data, performance, advises on relevant clinical and service delivery, service improvement and development, workforce and recruitment, and supports development of guidance such as the Radiation oncology waitlist data - Business rules.

Download: Radiation oncology waitlist data - Business rules - PDF, 490 KB

The business rules were endorsed by ROWG on 13 September 2024 and will be reviewed in October 2026.