The information below provides an outline of the training and authorisation pathways for yellow fever authorisation. You should use this in conjunction with the Policy for the authorisation of yellow fever vaccinators and vaccination centres in New Zealand.

If you are looking for general information on yellow fever, yellow fever vaccine, authorisation of yellow fever vaccination centres, yellow fever requirements when travelling and yellow fever documents view this information about Yellow Fever.

Become a Yellow Fever authorised vaccinator

Registered nurses, nurse practitioners and medical practitioners can become Yellow Fever authorised vaccinators.


A nurse will need to be a currently authorised vaccinator before applying to become a Yellow Fever authorised vaccinator, via an additional authorisation.

Training programme

Training programme

To become a Yellow Fever vaccinator you need to:

  • Hold a postgraduate qualification in travel medicine completed within the past 15 years from the following list:
    • a postgraduate certificate or postgraduate diploma in travel medicine from the University of Otago
    • a postgraduate certificate or diploma in travel medicine (or tropical medicine, or public health with the inclusion of at least one travel medicine paper) from James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
    • an equivalent postgraduate qualification or training from a recognised international or national university or institution, accepted at the discretion of the Director-General of Health.
  • Demonstrate active engagement in surveillance for yellow fever and travel medicine disease outbreaks through subscription to at least one of the approved international surveillance bulletins.

Refer to the policy for more details on training requirements.

Read the policy for the authorisation of yellow fever vaccinators and vaccination centres in New Zealand

Authorisation process

It’s your responsibility to keep track of your authorisation expiry date.

Nurses who are Yellow Fever authorised must also maintain current authorised vaccinator status, and the Yellow Fever authorisation of nurses without authorised vaccinator status will be suspended until authorised vaccinator status is regained. 

The requirement to be currently employed in travel medicine will be based on the last centre of employment.

All Yellow Fever vaccinators are only able to be fully authorised if they are operating from an authorised Yellow Fever centre, and vice versa. 

If your centre is currently closed/not operating, current vaccinator authorisations can be held in a suspended state until the centre reopens, or the vaccinator applies to vaccinate from another centre, or the authorisation expires.

 All Yellow Fever vaccinators must maintain a current APC.

Step-by-step process:

  1. complete an Application for Authorisation Yellow Fever Vaccinator (YFV) form (Appendix 4 of the Policy for the authorisation of yellow fever vaccinators and vaccination centres in New Zealand)
  2. send the signed and completed application form with all supporting documentation to your local Medical Officer of Health

Note that applications can take up to 8 weeks to process.

Please contact your local MOoH for any questions regarding Yellow Fever training and authorisation.

Renew my Yellow Fever authorisation

There are several requirements you need to meet to renew your Yellow Fever authorisation. Below is an outline. For details refer to the Policy for the authorisation of yellow fever vaccinators and vaccination centres in New Zealand.

Training programme

Training programme

To renew your Yellow Fever authorisation you’ll need to:

  • complete a Yellow Fever course
  • demonstrate evidence on involvement in continuing education in travel medicine
  • provide an anonymised log of Yellow Fever vaccination practice

The Yellow Fever course could be the IMAC Yellow Fever Vaccinator Update Course or an alternative.

We have also compiled a wider list of providers that may offer courses, conferences and webinars towards general travel medicine CME for renewal of authorisation - see Yellow Fever Continuing Medical Education (CME) requirements.

For details of renewal requirements, refer to the Policy for the authorisation of yellow fever vaccinators and vaccination centres in New Zealand.

Authorisation process

Authorisation process

To renew your Yellow Fever authorisation you need to:

  1. complete an Application for Authorisation as Yellow Fever Vaccinator (YFV) form (Appendix 4 of the Policy for the authorisation of yellow fever vaccinators and vaccination centres in New Zealand)
  2. send the signed and completed application form with all supporting documentation to your local Medical Officer of Health

Note that applications can take up to 8 weeks to process.

Please contact your local MOoH for any questions regarding Yellow Fever training and authorisation.