In this section

  • NSAC meeting minutes

    Minutes of meetings held outlining the discussions on the National Screening Unit’s strategic direction, programme initiatives and also the committee’s recommendations.
  • Publications & Resources (2007-2010)

    National Screening Advisory Committee publications produced between 2007 and 2010.

Role of NSAC

The role of NSAC is to:

  • provide leadership and strategic direction for national population based screening programmes
  • make evidence based recommendations about the case for implementing new population screening programmes, including consideration of their effectiveness, feasibility, likely harms and benefits, value for money, and impact on the health system
  • identify screening technologies of proven effectiveness which require central agency led and well-managed implementation as national screening or quality improvement programmes
  • advise whether to continue, modify or withdraw existing population screening programmes, particularly those programmes inadequately evaluated or of doubtful effectiveness, quality, or value
  • consider and endorse major changes within current screening programmes as raised by NSU advisory groups
  • consult and liaise with clinical leaders and experts on screening to obtain sound advice, referring appropriate issues for further research and commissioning evidence based review as NSU resources allow
  • undertake a horizon scanning function to provide guidance on emerging and future technologies suitable for population screening programmes.


The Committee is multidisciplinary with members chosen for their linkages to other health or academic groups as well as their individual skills, for example, expertise in public health, screening programmes, epidemiology, ethics and health economics.

Current members

Pania Coote (Chair)

Director, AwhiMai Consultancy, Māori Health and Strategy

Dr Jane O'Hallahan (Deputy Chair)

Clinical Director, National Screening Unit, Ministry of Health

Dr Carol Atmore

Head of Department, Department of General Practice and Rural Health, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago

Dr Karen Bartholomew

Director, Health Outcomes, Planning Funding and Outcomes, Waitemata DHB and Auckland DHB

Professor Barry Borman

Associate Director, Professor in Epidemiology, Centre for Public Health Research, Massey University 

Sheila Beckers

Consumer Representative

Stephanie Chapman

Acting Group Manager, National Screening Unit, Ministry of Health

Professor Mark Elwood

Professor of Cancer Epidemiology, School of Population Health, The University of Auckland

Dr Gary Jackson

Director of Population Health, Counties Manukau DHB

Dr Nicholas Jones

Director of Public Health, Public Health Agency, Manatū Hauora

Professor John McMillan

Bioethics Centre, Division of Health Sciences, University of Otago

Dr Katherine Neas 

National Clinical Director, Genetic Health Service NZ

Dr Nina Scott

Hei Āhuru Mōwai, National Māori Cancer Leadership Aotearoa 

Dr Pat Tuohy

Community Paediatrician, Hutt Valley DHB