Over 100 New Zealanders continue to die each year from hepatitis C even though we now have an easy test and an easy cure. These deaths could have been prevented by earlier diagnosis and treatment.

One of the biggest challenges in getting people to test for hepatitis C is that the symptoms can be barely noticeable until damage has already been done, which means a lot of people living with the virus don’t realise they have it. There’s also stigma associated with hepatitis C because it’s transmitted through contact with infected blood, so at-risk people are often wary of talking to a health professional or seeking a test.

The National Hepatitis C Awareness Campaign has been developed  in partnership with health sector representatives, peer workers and people with lived experience of hepatitis C from across the motu.

We’ve chosen the theme of ‘Stick it to hep C’ – ‘Werohia te Atekakā C’  because all it takes to find out if you’ve been exposed to hepatitis C is a quick and easy finger-prick test.

Getting tested is a win-win. If you’re negative, you can put your worries behind you. If you do have hepatitis C, it can now be cured in just eight weeks for most people through a simple oral treatment that is completely free and has a success rate of up to 98%.

Key campaign messages

  • Stick it to hep C.
  • Getting tested is a ‘win-win’.
  • Easy test. Easy cure.


This campaign is aimed at two key audiences, those who inject drugs, and those who may have been exposed anytime since the late 1970s.

Help spread the word

Resources are available for community organisations and others to promote the hepatitis C National Awareness campaign in local communities. Most campaign material is available in both Te Reo and English. View Stick it to Hep C campaign resources.