Refer to our Health guidance and COVID-19 information for further information for maritime vessels.

Role of cruise operators

Cruise operators can minimise the transmission of communicable diseases, including COVID-19, other acute respiratory infections and gastroenteritis, through their practices and procedures.

It is expected that cruise operators will help reduce the risk by:

  • providing ready access to hand sanitation, masks, appropriate testing equipment, and support for passengers and crew with communicable diseases
  • adhering to regular and thorough cleaning routines
  • communicating and encouraging passengers and crew to follow the health guidance and COVID-19 information (identified above)
  • promptly implementing additional controls in response to illness.
  • If the master becomes aware of any disease suspected to be a notifiable infectious disease on board their cruise ship at any point while in New Zealand they are required to notify the local public health service.

Public health assistance

Cruise operators are responsible for the health of crew and passengers, and for sanitation standards and practices on the ship. Keeping passengers and crew healthy helps protect all New Zealanders.

If illness or outbreaks are reported public health officers may request further information on the situation and the control measures taken. In some situations a ship visit may be necessary.  Public health officers can provide advice and guidance on managing public health risks.