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Pay equity
Pay equity claims have been raised by unions on behalf of Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora employees working in the following areas:
- Clerical and Administration (PSA)
- Allied, Scientific and Technical (PSA and APEX)
- Nursing (NZNO and PSA)
- Midwifery (MERAS and NZNO)
- Librarians and Interpreters (PSA)
A pay equity claim covers all employees who are doing the same or similar work, regardless union affiliation or their type of employment agreement.
The union(s) that raised the pay equity claim represent all employees covered by the claim, even if they aren’t union members.
Health NZ must provide the union(s) with the names and contact details of affected employees, so they can keep people updated on the progress.
Administration and Clerical Pay Equity Settlement
In 2022, the PSA and Health NZ agreed a pay equity settlement for clerical and administration roles employed within Health NZ. The details of settlement can be found here:
Administration and Clerical Pay Equity Settlement Agreement (PDF 4MB)
Last updated 7 July 2022
Find more information about Administration and Clerical Pay Equity
Health NZ, NZNO and PSA worked jointly to complete a pay equity assessment process and in December 2021 an agreement in principle was reached for a pay equity settlement.
Health NZ has started planning to process pay rises for its nursing workforce after the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) made an interim order.
Find more information about how Health NZ prepares to implement new pay equity rates
Midwifery pay equity
Employees covered by the midwifery pay equity claim voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposed midwifery pay equity settlement.
For All People Covered by the Midwifery Pay Equity Claim
In the recent vote, employees covered by the midwifery pay equity claim voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposed pay equity settlement
Details of the Settlement
The settlement includes:
Lump Sum in Recognition of Work from 1 January 2020 to 3 April 2022
In addition to the previous lump sum payments already received, an additional lump sum payment of $15,000 (gross, pro-rated) would be paid within four months of settlement.
This payment would be prorated based on service over the period 1 January 2020 to 3 April 2022, and by the greater of full-time equivalent hours (FTE) as at 3 April 2022 or actual hours worked hours worked up to 1.0 FTE, excluding overtime and callback, for the period 1 January 2020 to 3 April 2022.
Employees who left their employment between 1 January 2020 and 3 April 2022 are eligible for a portion of this payment (prorated as above) but will need to complete the required process which will be outlined on the Health NZ website.
Pay rates
Amended rates should begin to be paid within six weeks of the settlement being approved.
The amended pay rates will be back paid to 4 April 2022 on the basis of actual hours worked including overtime and call back payments up to 1 FTE.
In the agreed settlement, employees on Step 1, Grade 3 of the Senior Midwifery scale will translate to Step 2, Grade 3 upon the Settlement Date and will receive backpay to 4 April 2022 in accordance with the criteria above on the basis of this new rate.
The back pay on the amended rates should be processed and paid within four months of the settlement.
Staff who were employed between 4 April 2022 and the date of implementation of new rates who have subsequently left Health NZ, can claim back pay for their eligible service during that time span.
Full and Final Settlement
The agreed settlement is a formal Pay Equity Claim Settlement under the Equal Pay Act.
It is a full and final settlement of all other disputes and the litigation in the Employment Relations Authority.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click here to review a range of questions and answers on the nursing pay equity settlement.
Former Employees Application Form.
More information
If you would like more information, please contact the unions:
- MERAS 03 372 9738
- NZNO 0800 28 38 48
Allied, Scientific and Technical Pay Equity Settlement Implementation
Who is this information for?
The following information relates to the implementation of the Allied, Scientific and Technical Pay Equity settlement. The new salary scales and associated terms and conditions of employment apply to all roles covered by the pay equity claim, with the exception of 5 occupational groups (Sonographers, Psychologists, Medical Physicists, MRI and Nuclear Medicine, Perfusionists) who did not have sex-based undervaluation established during the Pay Equity process.
Summary of Settlement
Details of the agreed salary scales and associated terms and conditions of employment can be found in the Pay Equity Settlement AgreemenT (PDF 4.6MB).
New Salary Scales
The settlement includes new national salary scales for Allied, Scientific, and Technical roles in the undervalued occupational groups.
The three new salary scales are:
- Clinical/degree-qualified core salary scale
- Clinical/degree-qualified designated salary scale
- Technical/non-degree-qualified core and designated salary scale
The new salary scales and associated terms and conditions apply from 1 June 2023 and replace the existing scales for all Allied, Scientific, and Technical roles in the undervalued occupational groups, regardless of union membership or type of employment agreement.
Progression Rules to move through the salary scales
The progression rules and the Guidelines of Expectation of Professional Practice (GEPP) in the pay equity settlement replace any previous Merit and CASP systems that were in place prior to settlement.
Further information on progression rules can be found in the Translation and Progression FAQ (DOCX 73KB) and Settlement Agreement documents (PDF 4.6MB).
Translation of Designated Roles to Clinical/degree-qualified designated salary scale
The agreed pay equity salary scales differentiate between those in designated roles and those who have merited into higher steps.
District Chief’s (DAH’s) are currently completing analysis to identify:
- Those in designated positions who will translate to the new Designated salary scales.
- Those who ‘merited’ progressed into higher steps through Merit or CASP and will translate to the new Recognition Steps or have their pay maintained.
- Where the situation is unclear and further discussion is required.
Following this initial analysis, the DAHs will ensure consistency across the Districts and engage with the relevant unions and will work constructively to resolve any differences of opinion on specific cases.
More information about this translation process can be found in the above Translation and Progression FAQ .
Right to Appeal
If an employee does not agree with the assessment of whether their role is a Designated position, they must first raise their concerns with their manager and their local District Chief to try to resolve the issue locally.
If this is unsuccessful, an employee can submit an appeal application to have their translation decision reviewed. The appeal process is only for those who believe they should have been translated to the Designated pay scale and have not been.
Appeal Guide and Application Form (DOCX 113KB)
Next Steps- Career Frameworks
With the introduction of the new designated salary scales, there is a need to review the existing career frameworks because they were linked to the previous salary scales.
Developing fit-for-purpose Career Frameworks is not a simple task and will need active involvement and engagement of unions.
In the meantime, the DAHs are working with the unions (PSA and APEX) to review the existing career frameworks and develop interim frameworks that can be applied to the new Designated salary scale.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Resources
Review a range of questions and answers in relation to the settlement.
Translation and Progression FAQ (DOCX 23KB)
General Pay Equity Settlement FAQs (DOCX 994KB)
The new salary scales and associated terms and conditions, including full progression rules, can be found in the Pay Equity Settlement AgreemenT (PDF 4.6MB).
The method of translation of existing scale and step placement to the new salary scales: Translation Plan (XLSX 70KB)
Former Employees Application Form (DOCX 101KB)
If you have further questions, contact the unions:
- PSA – 0508 367 772
- APEX – (09) 526 0280
Librarians and Interpreters
Librarian and Interpreters Pay Equity Claim Settlement
For All People Covered by the Librarian and Interpreters Pay Equity Claim
In a recent ballot, our Librarian and Interpreter staff voted in favour of the proposed Librarian and Interpreter pay equity settlement. The settlement is an agreement between PSA and Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to settle the pay equity claim for this group.
Who is covered by the Pay Equity claim?
All Health NZ a employed Librarians, Sole Charge Librarians, Library Managers and Interpreters who have not opted out are covered by the claim.
Summary of Settlement
The settlement agreement includes the following key areas:
Lump Sum in Recognition of Delay in Reaching Settlement
A lump sum payment of $10,000 (gross, pro-rated based on service and FTE) would be paid in recognition of the delay in reaching settlement.
Individuals no longer employed by Health NZ| but who were employed by Health NZ in a role covered by the claim at any time in the period from 1 June 2023 to the Settlement Date are eligible for a portion of this payment but will need to complete the required former employee form below.
New Pay Scales
The settlement includes new national salary scales for Librarians, Sole Charge Librarians, Library Managers and Interpreters.
The new pay structure and associated terms and conditions would apply from 1 June 2023 and would replace the existing scales for all Health NZ employed Librarians, Sole Charge Librarians, Library Managers and Interpreters covered by the claim.
Individuals no longer employed by Health NZ, or individuals who leave the employment of Health NZ prior to the implementation of the new rates, who were employed by Health NZ in a role covered by the claim at any time in the period from 1 June 2023 are eligible for back pay on the new rates. Individuals in these situations will need to complete the required former employee form below.
Librarians' salary scales:
Library Manager | |
Step 3 | $98,274 |
Step 2 | $95,274 |
Step 1 | $92,274 |
Sole Charge Librarian | |
Step 3 | $95,274 |
Step 2 | $92,274 |
Step 1 | $88,774 |
Librarian | |
Step 7 | $92,274 |
Step 6 | $88,774 |
Step 5 | $85,274 |
Step 4 | $81,774 |
Step 3 | $78,274 |
Step 2 | $73,774 |
Step 1 | $69,274 |
Interpreters' salary scale:
Step | Rate |
Step 5 | $80,193 |
Step 4 | $76,374 |
Step 3 | $72,737 |
Step 2 | $69,273 |
Step 1 | $65,975 |
Further details on progression and step placement translation to new salary scales can be found in the Agreement in Principle below.
Review Clause
There is an agreed mechanism to ensure sex-based undervaluation does not come back into the pay of the Librarian and Interpreter workforces. The first review will occur no later than two years after the Settlement Date.
Full and Final Settlement
The settlement is a formal Pay Equity Claim Settlement under the Equal Pay Act 1972.
Agreement in Principle
Librarians and Interpreters in principle settlement agreement (PDF 598KB)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Questions and answers on the settlement. (DOCX 1.02MB)
If you have further questions, contact the unions:
- PSA – 0508 367 772
Former Employee Form
Please complete and return to the relevant District contact detailed on the form:
Application for Previous Employees Form To Complete (DOCX 101KB)
More information
For more information about a claim, please contact the relevant union.
Claim | Union | Contact information | Website |
Clerical and Administration | PSA | dhbep@psa.org.nz | psa.org.nz |
Nursing | NZNO | dhbpayequity@nzno.org.nz | nzno.org.nz |
PSA | dhbep@psa.org.nz | psa.org.nz | |
Midwives | NZNO | dhbpayequity@nzno.org.nz | nzno.org.nz |
MERAS | merasmembership@meras.co.nz | meras.midwife.org.nz | |
Allied, Scientific, and Technical | PSA | AlliedPayEquity@psa.org.nz | psa.org.nz |
APEX | ask@apex.org.nz | apex.org.nz |
For more information about pay equity: