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Home, Health New Zealand.
Te Whatu Ora
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Corporate information
Health services and programmes
For health professionals
For health providers
For New Zealanders
Phishing alerts
Cyber security training
Waharua Kōpito
For health providers
Claims, provider payments and entitlements
In-between travel settlement
In-between travel settlement
Home and community support workers can be paid for travel between clients, known as 'in-between travel'.
Whatu Tāniko
Summary of the IBT Settlement
Read the In-Between Travel (IBT) Agreement and what it covers.
History behind the IBT Settlement
The IBT Settlement came from discussions between government, the health sector, unions and care workers.
Employee guidance on travel times and payment
Employee guidance on In-Between Travel payments, how they are calculated and what to keep track of.
IBT implementation and claim guidance for funders and providers
Find guidance on In-Between Travel implementation for providers / employers and funders, and how to make claims.
IBT Guaranteed Hours
Guidance for employees, providers and funders on guaranteed hours under the In-Between Travel Settlement (IBT).
Also in this section
Accessing dialysis while on holiday
Agreement management
Artificial eyes subsidy
Breast prosthesis subsidy
Care Plus
Carer Support Subsidy
Care and Support Worker proposed wage increase
Community Services Card
Contact lens subsidy
Dental claim and enrolment forms
General Medical Services claims
High Use Health Card
Immunisation subsidy
In-between travel settlement
Laboratory payments
Maternity claims
Mental health payments
National Enrolment Service
National Health Index
National Health Index entitlements
Needs assessment and service coordination forms
Nicotine replacement therapy
Patient refund service payment
Pharmaceutical co-payment
Pharmacy claims
Practice nurse subsidy
Primary health organisations payments
Provider payments
Research and evaluation of primary health care initiatives
Residential care subsidies
Salary subsidy service payment
Sector operations resources
Services to improve access
Special Authority
Special Sessional Scheme payment
Stump sock subsidy
Unvaccinated in-home family carers reimbursement
Wigs and hairpieces subsidy