A preceptor is an experienced registered nurse who has completed training in preceptorship. Preceptors guide and support students, graduate nurses and new staff members, through periods of practice development as part of a new role or a new practice setting.

Preceptorship is a supportive period during which socialisation to a new practice area, new practice knowledge, skills, and critical thinking are developed.

Preceptors of undergraduate nursing students may have to work with students from different educational institutions.

There are many options for preceptorship training, and there is a move towards interdisciplinary preceptorship, particularly for primary and community settings. Online training options are available and provide a great way for primary, community and rural settings to develop preceptorship capability.

You may need to set up a LearnOnline account or reactivate an old one.

Canterbury and West Coast

Canterbury and West Coast

NETP Registered Nurses will share a clinical load with their preceptor(s) for up to a total of 30 clinical days, though some workplaces may extend this period.

The assigned preceptor will carry out performance reviews with the NETP Registered Nurse and their line manager.

Preceptors working with NETP Registered Nurses are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a current annual practising certificate in the RN scope of practice
  • Be registered with NCNZ
  • Successfully completed a preceptor training programme
  • Show commitment and willingness to support and encourage the NETP
  • Be knowledgeble about the NetP programme Learning Framework and PDRP requirements
  • Have experience in the clinical area where they are providing preceptorship
  • Apply the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and cultural safety to nursing practice
  • Provide feedback to the NetP Registered Nurse and receive feedback on their performance as a preceptor
  • Facilitate learning and education
  • Support NetP programme outcomes.

As per National NETP Specifications, preceptor must undertake training for this role, and provide evidence of 16 hours preceptorship education.

Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley

Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley

Pilot - Combined Assessment for Undergraduate Nursing Student Placements


To download the Hints for Helping your Student Learn please click below:

Below is list of programmes run by various education providers:


  • Saleifi  Reriti, Nurse Educator (Workforce and Practise Development Unit) DDI: 04 806 0608 or mobile: 0274919095 or Email: Saleifi.Reriti@ccdhb.org.nz

Te Tai Tokerau

Te Tai Tokerau

Nursing Preceptor Policy

To view the nursing preceptor policy, please click here.
Note: This link is only accessible if logged into the Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau network.

National Guidelines

For the Preceptor National Guidelines, please click here.
Note: This link is only accessible if logged into the Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau network.

Preceptor Workshops

If you want to complete a preceptor workshop, please click here.
Note: This link is only accessible if logged into the Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau network.



Useful resources

To download the Hints for Helping your Student Learn please click below:

Below is list of programmes run by various education providers: