Health NZ has mandated Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) collection and reporting to PRIMHD from 1 July 2015 for all community-based outpatient adult addiction services. This includes outpatient after-care or continuing care programmes, post-residential or outpatient intensive treatment programmes.
ADOM provides service users with a way to rate and track key areas of change during their treatment journey. This includes changes in use of alcohol and other drugs, lifestyle and wellbeing and satisfaction with treatment progress and recovery.
AOD practitioners support service users to regularly rate how they are doing and to view the results using the ADOM feedback wheel. The ADOM feedback wheel provides the service user and their alcohol and drug practitioner with a clear focus for discussing and planning treatment and recovery options. The ADOM form, feedback wheel and outcomes graph builder are available for download from Te Pou on the ADOM tools page.
Te Pou and Matua Raḵi have been working with DHB and NGO community based outpatient adult addiction services to assist them to implement ADOM.
You can find more information on the Te Pou website.