PRIMHD – mental health data

What is PRIMHD?

What is PRIMHD?

PRIMHD (pronounced ‘primed’) is a Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora single national mental health and addiction information collection of service activity and outcomes data for health consumers.

The data is collected from district health boards (DHBs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It is stored in the PRIMHD datamart which is part of the Health NZ’s national data warehouse.

What is it for?

What is it for?

PRIMHD data is used to report on what services are being provided, who is providing the services, and what outcomes are being achieved for health consumers across New Zealand’s mental health sector. These reports enable better quality service planning and decision-making by mental health and addiction service providers, at the local, regional and national levels.

Who is involved in PRIMHD?

Who is involved in PRIMHD?

NGOs, DHBs, support organisations and Health NZ are involved in PRIMHD.

This website is designed to provide information to DHBs, NGOs and vendors who submit data to PRIMHD. It includes how PRIMHD works, what information PRIMHD produces, what is happening now and what is planned next.

Privacy protocol for collecting NHI and accessing data

Privacy protocol for collecting NHI and accessing data

The pamphlet What Happens to Your Mental Health and Addiction Information? provides details of how and why consumer information is collected by PRIMHD. It also looks at who uses the information, and the privacy rights of consumers under the Privacy Act 2020 (New Zealand Legislation website).

The pamphlet can be ordered or downloaded from What Happens to Your Mental Health and Addiction Information?

Start date

Start date

The start date for PRIMHD is 1 July 2008.

Earlier mental health data

Earlier mental health data

Prior to PRIMHD, mental health data was collected in the MHINC collection and stored in the MHDW. The MHDW was started in July 2000. This data remains available for use in reporting and ad hoc queries run by the MoH Analytical Services team.

Guide to PRIMHD Supplementary Consumer Records Collection and Use

Guide to PRIMHD Supplementary Consumer Records Collection and Use

The purpose of this guide is to provide mental health and addiction services with a consistent methodology for the collection and use of the supplementary consumer records (SCRs) in PRIMHD from 1 July 2016. The SCR Guide is available from the Te Pou website.


PRIMHD standards

These standards describe the workflow and processes for PRIMHD data-gathering, and how the PRIMHD data set and code set relate to the different record types.

Data Process Standard

Data Process Standard

The PRIMHD Data Process Standard describes the workflow and processes for PRIMHD data gathered during the care of the consumer (from referral and admission through to discharge), and how the PRIMHD data set and code set relates to the different record types during these processes.

Data Set

Data Set

Represents the entire set of data elements that will be collected and stored within the PRIMHD records.

Code Set

Code Set

A collection of common codes that are required by specific data elements within the data set.

Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM)

Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM)

Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM)

Health NZ has mandated Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) collection and reporting to PRIMHD from 1 July 2015 for all community-based outpatient adult addiction services. This includes outpatient after-care or continuing care programmes, post-residential or outpatient intensive treatment programmes.

ADOM provides service users with a way to rate and track key areas of change during their treatment journey. This includes changes in use of alcohol and other drugs, lifestyle and wellbeing and satisfaction with treatment progress and recovery.

AOD practitioners support service users to regularly rate how they are doing and to view the results using the ADOM feedback wheel. The ADOM feedback wheel provides the service user and their alcohol and drug practitioner with a clear focus for discussing and planning treatment and recovery options. The ADOM form, feedback wheel and outcomes graph builder are available for download from Te Pou on the ADOM tools page.

Te Pou and Matua Raḵi have been working with DHB and NGO community based outpatient adult addiction services to assist them to implement ADOM.

You can find more information on the Te Pou website.

PRIMHD mapping document

The Mapping Document is a Health NZ requirement that provides Health NZ with a comprehensive live map of an organisation’s name, location, service types, teams, services offered and where consumers receive these services. The details are linked to specific codes used to report to PRIMHD and these codes are regulated by HISO.

These templates are to be used by new organisations to PRIMHD and organisations that will have a notable change to their present mapping document.


Download: NGO Guide to PRIMHD - PDF, 1.7 MB

A step-by-step guide for NGOs to set up and submit data to PRIMHD. Including contact details for various organisations and teams who assist in PRIMHD.

Download: PRIMHD Reporting End User Guide - DOC, 4.3 MB

Refer to section 2.5, pages 13–16, for information about scheduling reports. Ensure you follow each step of the instructions very carefully.

In this section