The DHB data collected includes dates of referrals to and discharges from services, service activity (including ECT, seclusion and leave data), provider team, demographic information (eg, gender, date of birth, ethnicity), DHB outcomes data in the form of Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) and DHB information on legal status and diagnosis.

PRIMHD does not capture information on primary mental health services provided by general practitioners (GPs) or Primary Health Organisations (PHOs).

DHB reference information

Getting started

Getting started

Although all DHBs are already reporting to PRIMHD, the following links will be of use to personnel new to using PRIMHD.

  • The PRIMHD Data Process Standard describes the workflow and processes for PRIMHD data gathered during the care of the consumer (from referral and admission through to discharge), and how the PRIMHD data set and code set relates to the different record types during these processes.
  • The PRIMHD Data Set represents the entire set of data elements that will be collected and stored within the PRIMHD records.
  • The PRIMHD Code Set is a collection of common codes that are required by specific data elements within the data set. These were updated in October 2010 to extend the ‘Valid To’ dates from 30/06/2011 to 30/06/2015.
  • The PRIMHD File Specification is the principal reference for all providers who submit data to PRIMHD. This page includes extraction schemas and compliance test scripts.


Entering data

Entering data

DHBs create batched XML files and electronically send this data to the Ministry of Health using secure file transfer protocols.  It offers the most flexibility as DHBs can submit a PRIMHD XML extract file of mental health and addiction data sourced from multiple in-house information systems.


Running and scheduling reports

Running and scheduling reports

The PRIMHD Reporting End User Guide provides you with the core information you need to run PRIMHD reports from the PRIMHD datamart using Infoview and Business Objects and details the types of reports available to DHBs.

Please note, Business Objects is currently being decommissioned.

Scheduling reports

Refer to section 2.5, pages 13–16, for information about scheduling reports. Ensure you follow each step of the instructions very carefully. Please note you may turn your PC off after you have initiated the report schedule, when the schedule status shows ‘Running’.