
1 - 10 of 489 results for ‘standards’.

  • Approved standards

    Approved standards ... Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) standards are open, non-proprietary standards for health providers and their industry partners.

  • Data and digital standards

    Data and digital standards ... We operate the Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) to protect, promote and advance the use of data and digital standards across NZ.

  • Evaluating business cases against HISO standards

    Evaluating business cases against HISO standards ... How we evaluate business cases for investment in digital health solutions against HISO standards ... Summary The   Operational Policy Framework (OPF)   requires DHBs to follow the data and digital standards set by the Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO). HISO is the governing body and kaitiaki for data and digital standards in the health and disability system, responsible for determining the standards that are to have national effect and monitoring the adoption of these standards. The sector-representative HISO committee is supported by standards advisors in the Data and Digital directorate who manage the standards work programme. As part of the Ministry

  • API Standards

    API Standards ... Standards providing the technical background for developing application programming interfaces for the provision and consumption of health information ... participants to dramatically improve service design and delivery. Technical standards have been developed for the APIs we are developing. The following standards are now available: HISO 10107 API Security Standard HISO 10109 API Design and Development Standards HISO 10110 HL7 FHIR API Design and Development Standards   The standards are available at the following link Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patterns Ongoing standards development Ongoing input from the sector will ensure

  • Standards lifecycle

    Standards lifecycle ... Health information standards have a lifecycle from initial concept to development, publication, adoption and eventual renewal. ... Summary HISO has an active programme of standards development and adoption for the best use of information in the health system. The diagram shows our lifecycle process for assessing proposals, undertaking the development of new standards and leading their adoption. HISO Standard Lifecycle Stage 1

  • Allergy and Adverse Reaction Data Standard

    , the new standard will ensure alignment with our key interoperability standards, SNOMED CT, FHIR and IPS, while enabling the API and its clients to be delivered at pace. Contact us We welcome your feedback and participation. For more information, email

  • Shared care plan standards

    Shared care plan standards ... HISO is working with the Health Care Home Collaborative to develop and lead the adoption of common standards for interoperable shared care plans. ... Summary HISO is working with the   Health Care Home Collaborative   to develop and lead the adoption of common standards for interoperable shared care plans

  • Screening data standards

    Screening data standards ... Standards for screening data ... These documents provide guidance for the standardised collection and presentation of screening data. Data standards for cervical, breast, and newborn hearing screening are in development, and will be added to this page once they are published. See Standards in development for more information. Publications Bowel screening HISO 10072.2:2022 Bowel Screening Messaging Implementation Guide This implementation guide identifies and describes the structured message types that laboratories contracted to perform NBSP histology

  • Standards in development

    Standards in development ... HISO has an active work programme maintaining and developing health information standards for the New Zealand health and disability sector.

  • Allergy and Adverse Reaction Data Standard

    , the new standard will ensure alignment with our key interoperability standards, SNOMED CT, FHIR and IPS, while enabling the API and its clients to be delivered at pace. Contact us We welcome your feedback and participation. For more information, email