About this item

Issue date:
11 July 2024
Corporate Authors:
Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO), Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Cervical screening
Copyright status:

This standard defines the data set that laboratories and clinics contracted
to perform National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) laboratory and colposcopy services need to capture for cervical screening and submit to the National Screening Solution (NSS) via the National Cervical Screening Register (NCSP Register).

Data submitted to NSS will support the monitoring, operation and quality of the NCSP,
and may also be used for research and education purposes. 

These data definitions are based on:

  • recognised population screening priorities
  • consensus between represented stakeholders
  • once-only data collection (and agreed responsibility)
  • source data based on robust definitions
  • acceptable impact or burden on services
  • collection with appropriate frequency and timeliness.

This document also supports the development of messaging applications using HL7® version 2 (HL7 v2) by defining the message types that clinical systems need to submit cervical screening data into the National Screening Solution (NSS).