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Issue date:
13 December 2024
Corporate Author:
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora,
Corporate publication, Strategies and plans,
Health system, Mental health,

On 4 July 2024 the Minister for Mental Health announced five mental health and addiction targets. These five targets support the delivery of better mental health outcomes for New Zealanders and to help improve the performance of our mental health and addiction services across the country.

The targets focus on faster access to specialist and primary mental health and addiction services, shorter stays in emergency departments, increasing workforce development, and investment in prevention and early intervention.

As with the health targets, the mental health and addiction targets are ambitious and achieving them won’t happen overnight. The high level implementation plans set out how Health NZ intends to make progress towards achieving these targets by 2030, including achieving the annual milestones set out in the Government Policy Statement on Health (GPS).

Download: Achieving the mental health and addiction targets - PDF, 8.8 MB

High level implementation plans

Download: Achieving the mental health and addiction targets - DOCX, 2.3 MB

High level implementation plans

Accessible Word version

Download: Achieving the mental health and addiction targets - PDF, 726 KB

High level implementation plans

Accessible PDF version