Last updated 2pm 15 July 2024.

This data is updated weekly. All data on this page relates to cases recorded prior to 11:59 pm 14 July 2024.

Hospitalisation and ICU care for COVID-19

Cases by sex

Sex Total cases Hospitalisations for COVID-19 ICU care for COVID-19
Female 1488961 21155 484
Male 1189812 21078 757
Unknown 2801 14 0
Total 2681574 42247 1241

Cases by age group

Age group Total cases Hospitalisations for COVID-19 ICU care for COVID-19
0 to 9 226913 4622 90
10 to 19 331869 1200 30
20 to 29 436161 2194 25
30 to 39 451814 2701 76
40 to 49 385646 2761 122
50 to 59 343948 4032 175
60 to 69 257335 5762 278
70+ 247839 18975 445
Unknown 49 0 0
Total 2681574 42247 1241


Cases by ethnicity

Prioritised ethnicity* Total cases Hospitalisations for COVID-19 ICU care for COVID-19
Māori 386602 6786 258
Pacific Peoples 204730 4503 154
Asian 381643 4019 93
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 45480 675 9
European or Other 1646370 26163 720
Unknown 16749 101 7
Total 2681574 42247 1241

* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European or Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

Case demographics - all COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 and ethnicity

Total cases and tests by ethnicity

  Total cases since first NZ case Total tests for COVID-19 to date
Māori 386602 1,243,160
Pacific Peoples 204730 967,754
Asian 381643 1,349,771
European or Other 1691850 4,355,001
Unknown 16749 370,209
Total 2681574 8,285,895

Note: This table shows the number of tests, and some people are tested more than once.

Cases by ethnicity

Cases by ethnicity bar graph Cases by ethnicity bar graph Cases by ethnicity bar graph

Cases of COVID-19 by ethnicity

Ethnicity Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases since first case Percentage of all cases
Māori 286 385940 376 386602 14.4%
Pacific Peoples 112 204408 210 204730 7.6%
Asian 244 381232 167 381643 14.2%
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 25 45436 19 45480 1.7%
European or Other 1622 1641288 3460 1646370 61.4%
Unknown 6 16729 14 16749 0.6%
Total 2295 2675033 4246 2681574 100%



COVID-19 by age and sex

Cases by age

Cases by age bar graph Cases by age bar graph Cases by age bar graph

COVID-19 cases by age group

Age group Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
0 to 9 111 226790 12 226913 8.5%
10 to 19 95 331771 3 331869 12.4%
20 to 29 197 435951 13 436161 16.3%
30 to 39 312 451476 26 451814 16.8%
40 to 49 324 385268 54 385646 14.4%
50 to 59 323 343490 135 343948 12.8%
60 to 69 351 256651 333 257335 9.6%
70 to 79 283 156888 856 158027 5.9%
80 to 89 209 69703 1592 71504 2.7%
90+ 90 16996 1222 18308 0.7%
Unknown 0 49 0 49 0%
Total 2295 2675033 4246 2681574 100%

Cases by sex

Total cases of COVID-19 by sex

Sex Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
Female 1407 1485561 1993 1488961 56%
Male 887 1186680 2245 1189812 44%
Unknown 1 2792 8 2801 0%
Total 2295 2675033 4246 2681574 100%

Details of COVID-19 deaths

All deaths where someone has died within 28 days of being reported as having a positive test result for COVID-19 are now reported. This approach is in-line with that taken by other countries — such as the United Kingdom — and it ensures that all cases of COVID-19 who die are formally recorded to help provide an accurate assessment of the impact of COVID-19.

In many instances, further investigation will provide more information about the contribution of COVID-19 to their death.

This contribution can range from death not related, for instance someone with COVID-19 who dies in a car accident; to COVID-19 being a contributing cause, for example when someone dies with an existing health condition combined with COVID-19; and to COVID-19 being recorded as the cause of death.

Deaths that are still being investigated are reported as still to be classified.

Age and ethnicity of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case

Age group Māori Pacific Peoples Asian European or Other Total
0 to 59 156 64 44 255 522
60 to 69 125 57 17 347 552
70 to 79 158 85 59 1002 1307
80 to 89 133 99 97 1951 2283
90+ 45 29 38 1457 1571
Total 617 334 255 5012 6235

Age and ethnicity of deaths where COVID-19 is officially coded as the underlying cause

Age group Māori Pacific Peoples Asian European or Other Total
0 to 59 37 19 13 37 106
60 to 69 38 23 8 108 178
70 to 79 64 24 25 394 509
80 to 89 55 38 47 889 1030
90+ 25 18 18 787 850
Total 219 122 111 2215 2673

Details of past cases

We publish details about every person with COVID-19 (confirmed or probable) in a downloadable spreadsheet. For privacy reasons, this data only includes:

  • Date potential case was notified
  • Sex of case
  • Age group of case
  • District where the case lives - listed as "Managed isolation & quarantine" for border cases
  • If the case is related to overseas travel

This data covers all cases from 26 February 2020 to 15 July 2024 and is available from the Ministry's COVID-19 Data GitHub repository.

Researchers can request detailed data on COVID-19 in New Zealand by sending an email to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Response and Coordination team -

Please note that all data and statistics relating to COVID-19 vaccinations are available on the COVID-19 vaccine data page. This page is updated weekly at 1pm on Wednesday.