In New Zealand
Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children
This site is a focus for promoting the wellbeing and safety of children and supporting positive parenting. Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children is part of a network of agencies aiming to build an environment where child abuse is not tolerated.
Provides information about the Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s work and about children’s and young people’s rights.
Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa
Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa (MEDSAC) is the New Zealand expert body in sexual assault/abuse medicine, whose purpose is to improve the wellbeing of all people affected by sexual assault or abuse. It consists of health care professionals with clinical experience in many disciplines, including nursing, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and sexual health care.
FindSupport: Support following sexual violence
ACC offers fully-funded and immediate support and treatment – including support for your family and whānau. It doesn’t matter if it happened recently or a long time ago, there’s support available when you’re ready.
National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges
Women’s Refuge provides any of the support and information you need when you are dealing with violence in your life.
Family violence help
Call for family violence support anytime on freephone 0800 456 450. If you have internet access you can get advice, support and a service finder at Are You Ok?
If you feel at risk of using violence and are worried your behaviour is hurting or scaring others, there’s help to make a change. Call 0800 456 450 and, if you have internet access, you can get advice, support and a service finder at Change is Possible.
National Network of Stopping Violence Services
The National Network of Stopping Violence Services Inc works to enable all people in Aotearoa/New Zealand to live free of all forms of violence, abuse and oppression.
New Zealand College of Midwives
The professional association of midwifery in New Zealand.
New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is the national centre for collating and disseminating information about domestic and family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Nursing Council of New Zealand
The Nursing Council of New Zealand is the statutory authority that governs the practice of nurses. The Council sets and monitors standards in the interests of the public and the profession.
Paediatric Society of New Zealand
The aims and objectives of the society are to stimulate interest in and to promote the scientific study of child health and paediatrics in New Zealand, and to engage in all activities which, in the opinion of the Society, may be necessary from time to time in the interests of child health, and to engage in activities which promote the welfare of New Zealand children.
Plunket is a New Zealand’s largest provider of support services for the development, health and wellbeing of children under the age of five.
Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa works to promote a positive view of sexuality and to enable people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing.
Shine* is a national organisation offering a free helpline, training and consultancy throughout New Zealand and is now the largest single family violence prevention service in New Zealand with a focus on keeping people safe in their own home.
The White Ribbon campaign in New Zealand is a meld of the White Ribbon Day movement in Canada and the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is celebrated on November 25 each year, when people wear a white ribbon to show they do not condone violence towards women.
The campaign, which now takes place during the whole month of November, is driven by a campaign team and community groups in towns and cities throughout NZ.
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety is a national resource that delivers relevant and translatable research evidence which drives policy and practice leading to a reduction in the levels of violence against women and their children. (Previously known as: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse)
South Australian child and youth health service.
Futures Without Violence is a US-based organisation that works to prevent violence in the home and community by providing programs, policies and campaigns that empower individuals and organisations working to end violence against women and children around the world.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Information on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The United Nations have a particular focus on violence against women, and their work includes the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women.