Pest control table

Pest Prevention Control Treatment
Mosquitoes Empty and remove unnecessary containers of water. Screen or cover any cisterns or water tanks. Drain and fill boggy areas and depressions. Repair damaged septic tanks, introduce top feeding fish into ornamental ponds. Use a larvicide or light oil on ponds or still water. Spray a residual synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, eg, bifenthrin, permethrin, on outside breeding sites.
A fly’s reproduction cycle takes approximately 1 week.
Get rid of all rubbish and manure. Fit doors and windows with screens. Use knockdown sprays, eg, Raid®, Mortein®, for immediate control Spray walls, ceilings and window frames and vegetation, especially near rubbish containers with a synthetic pyrethroid spray, eg, alpha-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, permethrin
Cockroaches live and breed in moist dark places, eg, under refrigerators, in cupboards and pantries. Outdoors they live in piles of debris or rubbish.
Clean everything frequently, especially kitchens and dining rooms where food is handled. Remove potential breeding sites. Treat any infestation promptly. Use sticky board traps to monitor the extent of the cockroach population. Spray a residual synthetic pyrethroid into places where cockroaches hide. Employ a trained, qualified operator to apply baits. Use aerosol sprays of pyrethrum to flush the insects from their hiding places in heavy infestations.
Fleas, lice, ticks Cut grass frequently and get rid of weeds. Keep carpets and furnishings clean. Check and treat pets regularly. Use synthetic pyrethroids for infested areas inside and outside, infested clothes, blankets, mattresses and other bedding. Wash clothing and bedding or sterilise by dry heat or steam using commercial equipment. Treat bed springs and supports with synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, eg, permethrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin.
Bed bugs Inspect beds and bedding regularly Apply an insecticide to baseboards and mouldings, wall crevices, bedsteads, springs and mattresses. Do not soak mattresses or treat infant bedding or cribs. Use residual sprays containing pyrethroids, eg, permethrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin. If required, employ a qualified pest management technician to advise and monitor a bedbug control program.
Rats and mice carry disease, eat and contaminate food and cause structural damage.
Store food carefully and get rid of all rubbish. Proof all holes and accesses to buildings. Use traps and anti-coagulant baits because of their low level of toxicity for humans, eg, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difethialone, flocoumafen. Remove sources of food and water. If required, employ a qualified pest management technician to advise and monitor toxic baits.