The provision of a quality breast screening service and an expert multidisciplinary approach requires specific key roles which are mandatory.

These roles are detailed in this section. A full list of requirements of each role, including specific responsibilities, professional standards, quality and continuing professional development, are specified in the relevant National Policy and Quality Standards criterion. All professional requirements must be included in job descriptions and be subject to performance appraisals.

Mandatory roles include:

BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) lead providers, subcontractors and screening support providers must maintain an up-to-date list of all personnel filling mandated BSA roles within their region.

The BSA provider may choose to provide additional expertise in addition to the mandatory roles listed above in order to meet specific needs of women receiving their services.

Further information regarding BSA workforce roles and responsibilities is available in the Breastscreen Aotearoa National Policy and Quality Standards.

BreastScreen Aotearoa National Policy and Quality Standards

In this section

  • Screening support services

    Screening support services are available for eligible wāhine/whānau who are referred to, or who independently access services from, the support to screening provider.
  • The role of the BSA breastcare nurse

    The breastcare nurse primarily provides information, education, support and counselling services for women undergoing assessment, but is available to assist women at any stage of the screening process, if required.
  • The role of the BSA medical physicist

    The medical physicists have a number of areas of responsibility.
  • The role of the medical imaging technologist

    Breast screening is a service for well women. For most women attending BreastScreen Aotearoa, the Medical Imagine Technologist is the only health professional with whom they interact.
  • The role of the BSA pathologist

    Pathology specimens from screened women present particular challenges.
  • The role of the BSA quality co-ordinator

    The Quality Co-ordinator, on behalf of the Clinical Director and Lead Provider Manager, co-ordinates the operation of the quality management systems within their Lead Provider region.
  • The role of the BSA radiologist

    Radiologists working within BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) participate in the two phases of the screening process: reading the screening mammogram and assessment clinics.
  • The role of recruitment and retention staff

    All recruitment and retention staff employed or subcontracted in the programme must be able to demonstrate a good understanding of the theory and practice of public health approaches.
  • The role of the BSA surgeon

    For breast cancer screening to meet its goal of reducing breast cancer mortality, the screening process must include timely and appropriate surgical intervention.