Positive cases and isolation requirements

  • It is recommended that crew and passengers should monitor carefully for symptoms of COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory viruses and if symptoms develop, people should be tested.
  • People testing positive for COVID-19 are recommended to self-isolate for at least 5 days, even if they only have mild symptoms, starting at Day 0. Day 0 is the day symptoms started or when someone first tested positive, whichever came first.  
  • If the positive case needs to leave their cabin or quarters during their isolation period they should wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, and avoid crowded spaces. They should avoid contact with other crew and passengers as they are likely to be infectious. If they leave the ship they should not visit a healthcare facility (except to access medical care), or an aged residential care facility.
  • If the positive case is still unwell after they have completed 5 days of recommended isolation, it is recommended they continue to isolate until they have recovered. 
  • As some people remain infectious for up to 10 days, it is recommended that the positive case wear a mask up until 10 days after their symptoms started or they tested positive. They should also minimise contact with anyone at risk of getting very unwell with COVID-19 such as elderly passengers.
  • The ship remains the primary place for a maritime arrival to isolate if they are COVID-positive. 
  • Vessels are expected to provide ready access to hand sanitation, masks, appropriate testing equipment, and support for passengers and crew with communicable diseases.

Household contacts of COVID-19 positive cases

  • A person is considered a household contact if they live with someone who has COVID-19, or has spent at least 8 hours with them in the same home while the person was infectious. 
  • On a cruise ship, a household contact is anyone who has shared a cabin with anyone else who has tested positive, while they are likely to have been infectious. On all other types of vessels, everyone on board is considered a household contact. 
  • Household contacts and who develop one or more COVID-19 symptoms, are recommended to isolate from others and do a rapid antigen test (RAT).   
  • If a household contact tests negative but their symptoms persist, they should continue to isolate and take another RAT in 24 and 48 hours.  
  • If at any point they test positive for COVID-19, they are recommended to isolate for at least 5 days and follow relevant isolation guidance