You can provide feedback or make a complaint about your, or someone else’s experience when using the Assisted Dying Service.

We want to understand what the Assisted Dying Service has been like for you and your whānau. Your feedback will help us improve the service for other people.

Feedback is welcomed from anyone who has had any contact with the Assisted Dying Service.

Sharing feedback

You can complete the feedback form published by Manatū Hauora or contact us through the following methods:


Post: Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Assisted Dying Services
PO Box 793
Wellington 6140

Phone: 0800 223 852

Online Form:

More information can also be found here: Assisted Dying Service feedback and complaints process | Ministry of Health NZ

The above process is for providing feedback only. To make a complaint about the Assisted Dying Service please visit Assisted Dying Service complaints processes for further information.