eLearning modules

Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora offers on-line education for health practitioners who provide services within the antenatal and newborn screening programmes.

LearnOnline.Health.nz is a vocational training resource hub for New Zealand’s community of health practitioners. There is a growing number of courses available, provided by different organisations, for health workers either studying or working in different fields of practice.

Five antenatal and newborn eLearning modules are available to complete free through LearnOnline.Health.nz

  • Screening Principles and Practice
  • Quality Improvements in Antenatal Screening for Down syndrome and other conditions (QIASD)
  • Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme (UNHSEIP)
  • Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme (NMSP).
  • Best Practice – Newborn Metabolic Blood Spot Collection

Midwifery Council of New Zealand

The antenatal and newborn screening modules have been approved by the Midwifery Council of New Zealand for 2-3 education hours per module.

Hours are awarded after completion of the final assessment in each module with a pass rate of 80 percent and issuing of the certificate.

Accessing the antenatal and newborn screening modules

Midwives, please ensure that you include your midwifery council number when you set up your login details, these are required for the allocation of education hours.

Access the LearnOnline education modules

We would appreciate your feedback. If you would like to contact us for comment or questions please feel free to do so.

Email: antenatalnewbornscreening@tewhatuora.govt.nz