The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a global strategy to “eliminate cervical cancer," which means for every 100,000 people with a cervix less than 4 should experience cervical cancer. The National Cervical Screening Programme has made significant progress toward this goal but we know there is still more to be done.

Māori and Pacific peoples tend to experience higher rates of cervical cancer so it's important we take steps to address inequities when it comes to cervical screening.

Additionally, 85% of people who develop cervical cancer in Aotearoa New Zealand have never been screened or may have been screened infrequently.

The National Cervical Screening Programme uses HPV Primary Screening to continue making progress toward the goal of eliminating cervical cancer. 

The 5-minute video below provides a basic introduction to HPV testing. 

Video transcript
This video introduces the health sector to the benefits of HPV primary screening
for cervical cancer prevention in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Well over 95% of cervical cancer is caused by HPV
and that's one of the reasons why screening for HPV will help prevent cervical cancer.
Aotearoa New Zealand's current screening programme has been very successful
in detecting early cell changes in apparently healthy individuals
So that serious disease can be prevented.
Screening for HPV is an even more sensitive primary screening test
and will prevent more cancers.
There are many types of HPV which can infect the genital tract.
The majority of these infections are caused by low-risk HPV types
which are not of concern.
There are 14 high-risk types that are tested for in the screening test for HPV.
For many people it will disappear over a period of time
sometimes over two years sometimes longer
but for some people it will persist longer and for those that it persists
it has the potential to cause cancer changes and particularly for cervical cancer.
it means that if we screen for this HPV virus early
we'll identify those who are at risk at a much earlier stage.
Detecting HPV means we can intervene early before cancer even occurs.
The best way to do this is to identify those with high-risk HPV types.
There's a lot of strains of HPV
but what we're concerned about most are the really high-risk oncogenic HPV strains.
HPV is extremely common.
About 80% of the population has it at some stage of their lives.
Most types are not of concern and the body's immune system resolves them.
There are usually no symptoms and people don't even know that they've had the virus.
The body can clear both low-risk and high-risk HPV types.
It is only the small number of people who develop a persistent high-risk
HPV infection that are at risk for cervical cancer.
HPV primary screening identifies people who have high-risk HPV.
Participants have three choices for their screening test.
They can self-test using a vaginal swab
or ask the clinician to assist them in performing the swab test
or choose a speculum test done by the clinician
where a sample of cells is taken from the cervix.
(This was previously known as a smear test.)
The sample will first be tested for HPV and if the virus is detected
the same sample will be used for a cytology test
to determine whether any cell changes have occurred.
The HPV self-test is easy to do and can be done in privacy
either at home or at a clinic.
The swab is simply inserted into the vagina and gently moved around the vaginal walls.
The participant doesn't need to find their cervix with this test.
Where HPV is not detected participants are asked to retest in five years
a very safe interval because cervical cancer takes between
10 to 20 years to develop.
Anyone with HPV 16 or 18 is referred directly to colposcopy
as soon as those types are detected.
This is an examination carried out by a specialist.
Anyone with one of the other high-risk HPV types
not 16 or 18 has cytology arranged which will determine
if a recheck in a year or referral for colposcopy is required.
The HPV primary screening programme is supported by a database
called the NCSP Register.
The Register acts as one source of truth about screening histories.
It also helps if someone moves towns or cities
it's able to be picked up and you can clearly see without
you know having to ring up and investigate what happened here.
The test is an important step to improving access to high-quality cervical screening
for Māori and Pacific people ultimately contributing to the elimination
of cervical cancer for all populations in Aotearoa.
This process is good for a number of reasons:
First of all because it is very acceptable to participants.
Secondly the test identifies cancers well before they start
- it's identifying the cause of the cancers
so that we can get in and either monitor or treat early
So therefore we will have better outcomes.
The first line of defense against cervical cancer is prevention
by safe effective and proven HPV immunisation which is
free for all people in Aotearoa New Zealand from ages 9 to 26 years old.
Maintaining regular cervical screening remains important
even after vaccination because not all high-risk HPV types
are covered by the vaccine.
The result of all this is that we should be able to get rid of almost all cervical cancers.

About HPV Primary Screening

International research shows that HPV primary screening provides 60 to 70 percent more protection against invasive cervical cancer when compared with cytology screening.

The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) uses HPV Primary Screening in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This section of our site has the information, training, and resources needed to deliver or support HPV Primary Screening.

About the human papillomavirus (HPV)

About the human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the name given to a group of over 150 viruses that cause infection on the surface of the skin. More than 40 types of HPV affect the genital area and the throat (pharynx and larynx) and it's these types of HPV that are more likely to cause certain types of cancers. 


HPV can be present as an infection of the skin which is not visible to the naked eye (subclinical infection). Many people with HPV do not know they have it and a person may be infected with more than one type of HPV at the same time. Nearly 85% of adults will contract HPV at some point in their lives and having HPV is considered a natural consequence of human-to-human skin contact. 


Screening for HPV

HPV Primary Screening looks for the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV). For most people an HPV infection clears by itself within two years (especially in people under 30). Sometimes HPV can cause a persistent infection so screening for the virus helps participants and clinicians to know if additional diagnostic testing or treatment may be required.  

Screening test options

Screening test options

New HPV testing means most participants, after consultation with their healthcare provider, will be able to choose one of two cervical screening test options:
• HPV vaginal swab test, either a self-test or assisted by a clinician
• A liquid based cytology sample, previously referred to as a smear test, which is tested for HPV.

If HPV is detected cytology will be processed automatically without the person needing to return for another test.



Background information: The Road to Rollout of HPV Primary Screening

Background information: The Road to Rollout of HPV Primary Screening

All enhancements to the HPV screening programme will be fully introduced before April 2024.


HPV Primary Screening is being introduced in a phased approach, with three phases in total.


Phase 1 (Launched 12 September 2023)

The first phase from go-live is the Foundational Step. New clinical pathways and the new NCSP-Register will be established. There will be a particular focus on Māori and Pacific participants and increasing screening in the under- or unscreened populations.


Phase 2 

The second phase will be called Expanding Reach and will extend from late 2023. The focus is on getting more people onto the screening pathway through notifications and new approaches, including under- and unscreened populations both not enrolled in primary care and those enrolled. Better information on screening histories will be available.


Phase 3

The third phase will be called Full Benefit and will extend to March 2024. This is where the full future vision of HPV primary screening will be achieved. A more complete pool of participants will be encouraged into screening, increasing our screening coverage, patient experience and whānau satisfaction. All workforces involved in providing HPV primary screening services will have access to the right information to do their role in supporting wāhine and whānau.



Road to Rollout - One pager

Road to Rollout - Full presentation

Wāhine/women, and people with a cervix aged 25 to 69, who have had intimate skin-to-skin contact, or any sexual activity, no matter their sexual orientation are encouraged to participate in the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP).

Screening eligibility, funding, and fees

You can find information here about who is eligible for HPV Primary Screening, funding available, and why it's important to encourage un- or under- screened individuals to participate in screening.


Screening eligibility and free screening eligibility

Screening eligibility and free screening eligibility

Wāhine/women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 69 who had intimate skin-to-skin contact, or any sexual activity, no matter their sexual orientation are encouraged to participate in the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP).

People should be encouraged to participate in the NCSP if they are a wāhine/woman, or person with a cervix, aged 25 to 69, who: 

  • has ever had intimate skin-to-skin or any sexual activity (even if they haven’t been sexually active for decades) 
  • has only had non-penetrative sex (i.e., oral sex) 
  • is straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or queer 
  • is transgender, gender diverse, or non-binary and has a cervix 
  • has only been with one sexual partner 
  • has had the HPV vaccination or not 
  • is pregnant or has had a baby 
  • has been through menopause. 


Free cervical screening eligibility

Use this flowchart document to help you identify who is eligible for free cervical screening.

Encouraging equity and participation

Encouraging equity and participation

Enhanced health equity for wāhine Māori, Pacific peoples, and the Rainbow community has been a foundational part of HPV Primary Screening implementation.

Targeted engagement with under screened populations and a focus on less invasive clinical pathways are helping NCSP HPV Primary Screening to meet cultural needs while also reducing barriers to access. 


Co-designed awareness campaign

The HPV Primary Screening communications campaign will be an important tool to help participants, and potential participants, understand their new screening options. The initial campaign will be designed to reach higher risk groups, including Māori and Pacific peoples, as well as anyone who is un- or under-screened, the Rainbow community, and those living with disabilities.

Activities will build gradually from mid-September to end-December so providers don’t become overwhelmed by demand.

A co-design approach has been used to development advertising and resource materials. Co-designers include our Māori and Pacific Advisory Groups. We also sought out diverse perspectives through a range of focus groups throughout New Zealand.
You can view, download, and order participant resources free from HealthEd.

Screening Support Services

Screening Support Services

Screening Support Services includes Cervical - Sample Takers, Kaimahi, Administrators and Team Leaders.

Please see the section of this webpage specific to your role for information about training if you are a:

  • Clinical – Cervical Sample-Taker,
  • Clinical – Non Cervical Sample-Taker, or
  • an Administrator

Those in Screening Support Services should be sure to explore the resources below to help prepare for the transition to HPV Primary Screening on 12 September 2023:

  • Online training for the provider portal, Whaihua, will be available in August 2023.
  • Additional kanohi ki te kanohi including Whaihua training will be held 14 – 28 August 2023.
  • Online Q&A drop-in sessions will be held in September 2023.


Screening Support Services - regional map image 

Screening Support Services - regional map pdf

Continuation of zero-fees cervical screening for priority groups 

Continuation of zero-fees cervical screening for priority groups 

To support the initial launch of HPV primary screening in September 2023, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora announced funding to expand the delivery of zero-fees screening to priority groups. This was an initial step in place until 30 June 2024.   

The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) has worked with a sector funding design group to develop a new funding model that will reduce cost barriers and improve access to cervical screening for groups with the greatest need.  The sector group involved in developing this funding model included a range of participants from general practices, Primary Health Organisations, Hauora Māori Providers, Support to Screening Providers, and other organisations.   

We can now confirm funding has been extended until 30 June 2025.  

The priority group definition has not changed and remains all women and people with a cervix who are un-screened or under-screened, all wāhine and whānau with a cervix who are Māori and Pacific, those who hold a community services card (CSC), and anyone who requires follow-up testing.   

These groups are eligible for zero-fees screening because they experience higher rates of cervical cancer, or face cost barriers to screening.  

The updated prices and structure come into effect on 1 July 2024, with funding confirmed until 30 June 2025.  

Find out more about the new zero-fees funding model, and who is eligible for zero-fees screening.

HPV Primary Screening Funding (pdf, 207kb)

Screening fees

Screening fees

Screening category 

Primary Care Price (GST exclusive) 

Purchase unit ID 

Standard Priority Screen (Māori and Pacific women and people with a cervix who are not un/underscreened; CSC holders) 



Unscreened and Underscreened (Māori or Pacific people) 



Unscreened and Underscreened (non-Māori, non-Pacific people) 



Follow-up testing 



Clinical information

Information related to the delivery of screening services, including Clinical Guidelines, Standards and Policies, and other learning resources are available in this section of our site.

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Recommended screening frequency

Recommended screening frequency

Those who receive an HPV Not Detected test result during HPV Primary Screening are at a very low risk of developing high-grade cell changes within 5 years. The HPV Primary Screening interval will be 5 years for those participants who return an HPV Not Detected result.

Participants will not move to a 5-year screening interval until they return an HPV Not Detected result.

Immune deficient individuals are at a higher risk of developing cervical cell changes. These immune deficient participants should be screened every 3 years. Individuals who may be immune deficient includes:

  • those living with HIV,
  • pharmaceutically immunosuppressed individuals, and

individuals otherwise immunocompromised.

Policies and Standards

Policies and Standards

The updated Policies and Standards have been released after incorporating feedback to inform final versions. We are confident of the clinical quality of the programme as articulated in the updated Policies and Standards.


As the sector works with them there may be things that need to be updated. Opportunities to feedback on the Policies and Standards will be communicated through stakeholder groups.


INTERIM - Section 1: Tiro Whānui Overview  (PDF, 2.1MB)

INTERIM - Section 2: Providing Register Services (PDF, 651KB)

INTERIM - Section 3: Cervical Screening Services (PDF, 1.8MB)

INTERIM - Section 5: Providing a Laboratory Service (PDF, 3.7MB)

INTERIM - Section 6: Providing a Colposcopy Service (PDF, 2.1MB)

Local health pathways information

Local health pathways information


HealthPathway information available

The Wellington-region NCSP HealthPathway is now available and also provides a link to the portal for every site across the country.



Testing after cervical and vaginal cancer

Testing after cervical and vaginal cancer

HPV and cytology testing following treatment for cervical and vaginal cancer is not screening. Because of this, anyone with cervical or vaginal cancer was unenrolled from the previous NCSP Register and communications were turned off.  

 For people who have had early-stage cervical cancers which have been treated by: 

  • local excision (i.e. LLETZ):  these participants will return to regular cervical screening after successful treatment and completion of a Test of Cure. 
  • a total hysterectomy: these participants can cease cervical screening after completing a Test of Cure.

With the exception of the above groups, the NCSP will automatically unenroll anyone with a history of cervical or vaginal cancer and will not be making recommendations on tests received for this group.  

For those who are unenrolled because of previous cancer, there are no restrictions on continuing to have HPV or cervical cytology tests. This should be determined by the clinician and the participant. Labs will no longer give recommendations for further screening when reporting these tests.  

Women with gynaecological cancers who have had a sub-total hysterectomy need to continue screening, and will continue to receive notifications from the Register. 

Some participants who had previously ceased screening after an early-stage cancer in the previous programme may now be recommended to return to screening or to complete a Test of Cure. These participants will receive reminders from the NCSP and will be included in the PHO Cervical Screening Status Report.  


Cervical Sample Taker training 

Empowering screening participants is a fundamental principle of the NCSP and the support that trained health professionals provide greatly influences a participant’s experience of the entire screening programme.  


Cervical sample takers are responsible clinicians:

A registered health practitioner, such as a medical practitioner, an accredited nurse practitioner, registered nurse, enrolled nurse, or registered midwife with a current New Zealand practising certificate.   

They must have completed cervical screening training either through:     

  • training as part of a medical degree or midwifery training programme; or    
  • an NZQA accredited course to conduct cervical screening.    

Cervical Sample taker training is a New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) course delivered as Unit Standard 29556. NZQA accredited private training organisations provide cervical sample taker training. For more information see Competencies for Cervical Screening Training and Education 2023.

Competencies for Cervical Screening Education and Training (DOCX, 3.1MB)

Competency table (PDF, 175KB)

A training grant is available to eligible applicants and can be found here (PDF, 514KB)


HPV Screen taker Learning Pathway

HPV Screen takers must complete the following learning pathway prior to facilitating HPV self-testing with participants.

  1. Establish a professional partnership with a responsible clinician who will be available to provide clinical support, take responsibility for results requiring follow-up or referral, and undertake follow up liquid-based cytology (LBC) sample taking.
  2. Complete the four NCSP Cervical Screening with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing training modules here.
  3. Be familiar with the updated National Cervical Screening Programme Policies and Standards Section Three: Cervical Screening Services (PDF, 1.8KB) and the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cervical Screening in Aotearoa New Zealand (PDF, 1.9MB).
  4. Complete a professional partnership assessment and agreement with the nominated responsible clinician.


Learning pathway for HPV screen takers (PDF, 84KB)

HPV Screen takers training

Nurses, and Nurse Practitioners (who are not accredited cervical sample takers and who meet certain criteria) can facilitate HPV self-testing.

This includes enrolled nurses, registered nurses, and nurse practitioners who:

  • hold a current NZ Annual Practising Certificate
  • have a documented professional partnership with an accredited cervical sample taker who will be the responsible clinician.
  • have completed the required training (below).

In Aotearoa New Zealand, persons taking cervical screening specimens have legislated responsibilities in accordance with Part 4A of the Health Act 1956. Given the weight of these responsibilities cervical screening tests must be requested by a ‘responsible clinician’ who is an accredited cervical sample taker.

Ensuring HPV screen takers are supported, trained, and resourced appropriately, and have ongoing clinical support from a cervical sample taker (responsible clinician) is required.

HPV Screen Takers Decision Flow Chart

HPV Screen Takers Decision Flow Chart

Resource book for HPV Screen takers

Resource book for HPV Screen takers

Professional Partnership Clinical Assessment HPV Screen Takers

Professional Partnership Clinical Assessment HPV Screen Takers

Professional Partnership Webinar

Professional Partnership Webinar

Learning resources

The Clinical Modules: Cervical Screening using HPV Testing for accredited Sample-Takers, GPs, and Midwives is made up of four e-Learning modules and is available on LearnOnline.

eLearning modules

eLearning modules

NCSP HPV Primary Screening eLearning modules may be accessed using the links below:


GPs may claim 4 CME points after successful completion of the four modules.

Nurses may claim 4 CPD hours following the successful completion of the four modules.

Goodfellow Webinars

Goodfellow Webinars

Goodfellow Unit Webinar - June 2023

The video of the original webinar, covers why there are changes to HPV primary sreening, what these changes are, and the resources and support availbale with these changes.

The following questions were submitted following the webinar on June 6. The answers are supplied by the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) Clinical Team.

Goodfellow Unit Webinar - September 2022

These materials provide summary information about the National Cervical Screening Porgramme's transition to HPV primary screening.

The content includes:

  • The original webinar slides, as presented by Dr John McMenamin, Primary Care Lead for the National Screening Unit.

Goodfellow HPV primary screening webinar presentation September 2022 (835, KB)

  • The video of the original webinar presented by Dr John McMenamin, Primary Care Lead for the National Screening Unit.

Goodfellow HPV primary screening webinar video September 2022

  • A comprehensive response to questions raised during and following the webinar.

Goodfellow Unit HPV Primary Screening questions and answers (231, KB)

This information covers the why, what and when of the HPV Primary Screening Project.

Download: What's Changing for General Practice

Download: What's Changing for General Practice

Find out what's different about NCSP HPV Primary Screening for those in General Practice by downloading the What’s Changing for General Practice Guide.

HPV Primary Screening implementation packs

HPV Primary Screening implementation packs

Information packs are available to prepare for implementation of NCSP HPV Primary Screening for those in the following groups:

  • Clinical - Cervical Sample-Takers,
  • Clinical - Non Cervical Sample-Takers,
  • Administrators,
  • Regional Coordinators,
  • Screening Support Services,
  • Laboratories, and
  • Colposcopy.


You can access these packs using the links below:

Pack 1: September 'go live' update

Pack 2: Your role - what you need to know

Pack 2B: A guide to upcoming changes

Pack 3: Getting ready for 'go live'

Pack 4: Post 'go live' support

Cervical Screening Training Grants

Cervical Screening Training Grants

The Cervical Screening Training Grant reduces the cost of becoming a certified cervical sampletaker by reimbursing the full cost of training (up to $700 excluding GST). A partial reimbursement of up to $700 (excluding GST) is available for training courses with fees more than $700.

Grants are prioritised for nurses currently working in areas most closely aligned to the equity criteria found in the application.

Employers are expected to fund the professional development of nurses and any grants awarded are designed to reduce, but not eliminate, training costs for employers.

The NCSP requires eligibility criteria to be met before grants are awarded.


The Cervical Screening Training Grant application is now available for download and completed applications can be emailed to

Technical information

Use this section of our site for resources and information related to NCSP systems and processes, including the NCSP-Register.

Readiness checklists

Readiness checklists

Readiness checklists can help new practices and new practitioners know they've completed all NCSP requirements needed to provide screening services.


Laboratory forms

Laboratory forms

Please find below lab forms available for download and printing.

NCSP-Register and Health Identity User Interface data access requests

NCSP-Register and Health Identity User Interface data access requests

The new NCSP-Register will make it easier to invite individuals to take part in the National Cervical Screening Programme. It also helps provide support for eligible participants to attend screenings or follow up services (such as transport assistance), and makes it easier for people to know when they are next due for an appointment.

Answers to common screening questions will also become more accessible for those working with the new NCSP-Register. 

The Whaihua and NCSP-Register Privacy Statement is available for anyone wanting to apply got access to NCSP-Register data.

A signed User Access form is required from each individual before they will be able to gain access to NCSP-Register data through either the Cervical Screening Register (CSR) or the Whaihua Provider Portal. Access can be provisioned through My Health Account – Workforce or Active Directory SSO.


Those applying for access will need to indicate which type of user access they require on their form.

Additional screening and/or training may be required if the applicant is the first person in their organisation to request access to NCSP-Register data.

Download and complete the NCSP User Access Request Form for each individual requesting register data access. Completed forms should be emailed to: screening

Approval for access to NCSP-Register information is not guaranteed following submission of an access request form.


Accessing the Health Identity User Interface

You can request access to the Health Identity User Interface if you need to verify a screening participant is a holder of a Community Services Card.

The Health Identity User Interface access request form must be completed, signed, and returned via email to:


HPI number requirements

HPI number requirements

You need your individual HPI Number (also known as CPN) if you are a Health Practitioner requesting a test. 

You need your HPI Facility Number (also know as an FCN) if you are a clinic or laboratory.  


The Health Provider Index (HPI) marks a significant advance for the New Zealand health sector, because: 

  • it has established a sound basis for identifying sector participants when communicating electronically with sector agencies 
  • trusted identity and qualification information is made available and can be used by sector agencies to conform to established health information security and privacy guidelines 
  • conformance with the wider New Zealand eGovernment guidelines will be achieved as HPI technologies are integrated over the next few years into applications across the sector. 


Finding your HPI number

  1. You can find your HPI Number through your registering authority (e.g, MCNZ 0800 286 801 or NZNC 04 385 9589) if you are a Health Practitioner; for example, the Nursing Council maintains a searchable list of HPI numbers here: Public Register (
  2. You can find your HPI Facility Number if you are clinic or facility on this list of facilities that is updated monthly: Common code tables – Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
  3. Colposcopy Clinics can find a list of the relevant Colposcopy HPI numbers here.


Obtaining an HPI number: Health professionals

You need to contact your registration body to obtain your HPI number:

  • NZ Medical Council – 0800 286 801 
  • NZ Nursing Council – 04 385 9589 

For more information see: HPI questions and answers – Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand 


Obtaining an HPI number: Labs or Clinics

Organisational HPI numbers are available from the Te Whatu Ora and you will need the following information to obtain an HPI number: 

  • Legal Name of Organisation that will own/manage/operate the facility    
  • Name of the facility  
  • Street address of the facility  (and any other info such as building name if relevant)  
  • Contact details (e.g. Phone, email   - not a person's name)
  • Type of facility (e.g. mobile vaccination site, Pharmacy, etc.) 

Requests may be directly emailed to: 


Updating someone's hysterectomy information

Updating someone's hysterectomy information

You can use this form to notify the NCSP register about a person’s hysterectomy status. This will create a record of the hysterectomy and adjust future screening recommendations. 

Download the Total Hysterectomy form (docx, 62KB)


The NCSP coverage report was updated on 25th October to include coverage up to and including 30 September 2023.

There has been a change to the coverage calculation to align with the transition to HPV primary screening, which began on 12 September 2023. Additional details can be found in the Technical Notes section of the NCSP coverage report.

Monthly coverage updates will resume on the 25th of each month or closest business day.

Coverage / Status reporting

Coverage / Status reporting

One of the main performance measures of NCSP is coverage. Coverage is defined as the proportion of women eligible for screening who have been screened in the previous three years.

Our target is to reach 80 percent screening coverage for all eligible women, including separately for women in Māori, Pacific, Asian and European/Other population groups.

NCSP coverage report update

The NCSP coverage report will be updated as usual on 25th August 2023; this will cover reporting for 1 – 31 July 2023. There will be no report sent out in September–– this is to allow the data IT systems sufficient time to transition to HPV primary screening and the reporting to be thoroughly tested to ensure complete and accurate data.

The NCSP coverage report will be updated on 25th October and include coverage up to and including 30 September 2023.  

There will be a change to the coverage calculation from October onwards to align with the transition to HPV primary screening. Additional details will be provided in the technical notes of NCSP coverage report. Monthly reporting will resume thereafter.

PHO Status report: specification and example

PHO Status report: specification and example

The NCSP Cervical Screening Status Report is provided monthly to Primary Health Organisations (PHOs). The intended use of this report is to support invitation and recall of eligible participants and effective participant support and follow-up.

The data in this report is supplied under section 112J(3) of the Health Act 1956. S112J(3) which permits register information to be disclosed by a person authorised by the NCSP Manager, to other persons authorised by the NCSP Manager or engaged by Te Whatu Ora, for the purpose of enabling results from a screening test or a diagnostic test to be followed up, or for the purpose of enabling notices to be sent to enrolled women and people with a cervix. This includes disclosure to persons like health practitioners who provide cervical screening services and are entitled to access data from the NCSP-Register.


PHO Status Report Specification (DOCX, 2.6MB)

PHO Status Report Data Set Example (XLSX, 20KB)

PHO Status Report Change Notes (PDF, 124KB)

Updated 5 December 2023

Promotional and participant information resources

Provider Toolkits

Provider Toolkits

We've been working with our Māori and Pacific creative agencies and advisory groups to create support materials for you to promote the National Screening Programme's introduction of HPV testing (including the self-test option) from Tuesday 12 September 2023.

You can access and download the creative assets using the links within each of the Provider Toolkits below.

Updated packs will be made available during future phases of the campaigns.


Māori and all Aotearoa Campaign Provider Toolkit #2 October 2023 (PDF, 4.6MB)


Pacific Provider Toolkit #3 2023 (PDF, 8.9MB)

Co-designed awareness campaign

Co-designed awareness campaign

The HPV Primary Screening communications campaign will be an important tool to help participants, and potential participants, understand their new screening options. The initial campaign will be designed to reach higher risk groups, including Māori and Pacific peoples, as well as anyone who is un- or under-screened, the Rainbow community, and those living with disabilities.

Activities will build gradually from mid-September to end-December so providers don’t become overwhelmed by demand.

A co-design approach has been used to development advertising and resource materials. Co-designers include our Māori and Pacific Advisory Groups. We also sought out diverse perspectives through a range of focus groups throughout New Zealand.
You can view, download, and order participant resources free from HealthEd.

Time to Screen

Time to Screen

The National Cervical Screening Programme health sector content found on the Te Whatu Ora website works hand-in-hand with the public-facing content found on the Time to Screen website.


You can direct participants to the Time to Screen website for public-facing messaging.

Finding support

Know who you need support from?

Use the details below to get in touch:


Not sure who to contact?

The table below can help you find the right team to help:

I'm... To speak with someone To email someone
A screening participant  0800 729 729 sends e-mail)
Someone with a clinical question  0800 4 90 70 90  Find regional contact
Someone with a technical question  0800 223 987 sends e-mail)
Someone with a withdrawal request  0800 50 60 50 sends e-mail)

NCSP Sector Updates

Find out the latest news from the National Cervical Screening Programme.

Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patterns

Sign up for the NCSP Sector Update

Want to stay up-to-date with the latest information from Health New Zealand National Cervical Screening Programme? Sign up to receive the monthly NCSP Sector Update!