Research legislation

Privacy Act 2020

The Privacy Act sets out 12 Principles that govern the collection, use, storage, retention and disclosure of personal information.

Privacy Act 2020New Zealand legislation

Health Information Privacy Code 2020

This Code contains 12 Health Information Privacy Rules. The Rules are very similar to the 12 Principles in the Privacy Act but are modified specifically for the health sector.

Health Information Privacy Code 2020 — Privacy Commissioner

Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994

The purpose of this Act is to promote and protect the rights of health consumers and disability services consumers. It also aims to facilitate the fair, simple, speedy, and efficient resolution of complaints relating to infringements of those rights.

Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 — New Zealand legislation

Human Tissue Act 2008

The Act aims to make sure collection or use of human tissue is respectful and does not endanger the health and safety of others. It also sets up a respectful framework for informed consent around human tissue collection and use.

Human Tissue Act 2008 — New Zealand legislation

Research ethics

Health and Disability Ethic Committees

Health and Disability Ethic Committees check that proposed health and disability studies meet ethical standards to protect participants and secure the benefits of the research.

Health and Disability Ethics Committees

National Ethics Advisory Committee

The National Ethics Advisory Committee is an independent advisor to the Minister of Health on ethical issues related to health and disability research and services.

National Ethics Advisory Committee

Research resources

New Zealand Health Research Strategy

This strategy sets out a vision for Aotearoa New Zealand’s health research and identifies 4 strategic priorities for the health research and innovation system.

New Zealand Health Research Strategy — Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health

New Zealanders for Health Research

New Zealanders for Health Research is a dedicated public education and advocacy alliance committed to making health research a higher priority in Aotearoa New Zealand.

New Zealanders for Health Research

New Zealand Association of Clinical Research

New Zealand Association of Clinical Research's goal is to promote and support clinical research within Aotearoa New Zealand through the provision of networking and educational opportunities, industry resources, and collaborations to address industry issues and create solutions.

New Zealand Association of Clinical Research

Good Clinical Practice

Good clinical practice provides a framework of principles which aim to ensure the safety of research participants and the integrity and validity of data.

Good Clinical Practice (Investigator version) — Roche

ICH Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) — The Global Health Network