We are in the process of moving content from regional websites to this website. As we move content this section will adapt to accommodate information from each region.

MidCentral region information only

This content is the approval process for MidCentral only. Links are provided to research approval processes in other regions below it.

Research support team

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora MidCentral is committed to achieving high quality and excellence by design. We have made this a core feature of our strategic approach. Research plays a key role in this commitment and is the foundation of evidence-based quality improvements as we move forward.
The Research Support Team is composed of a Chief Medical Officer, a Medical Research Advisor and 2 part-time Research Support Officers. This team works in close collaboration with representatives from the Pae Ora Maori Health Directorate.

Contact information

Phone 06 350 8036
Email research@midcentraldhb.govt.nz
Research Support Office
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Private Bag 11036
Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand

Approval process

To determine the safety of any research, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora MidCentral has a robust research approval process. This means we are advised of the research proposal and can provide information needed to make the assessment and can make sure that the research aligns with our values and the goals we strive for.

Approval forms

Guiding documents

Ethics approval

The Health and Disability Ethics Committees check that proposed health and disability studies meet established ethical standards in order to protect participants. 

Māori cultural consultation

Any other cultural consultation that you have evidence of will be useful.

Other supporting documentation

  • Study protocol
  • Participant information sheets and informed consent forms — where Relevant
  • Questionnaires and surveys — where relevant
  • Any other supporting documentation relevant to the application

Once you have all the documentation together, the Research Support Office will facilitate the appropriate approvals.