Medical Warnings System code tables

Contact Relationship code table

Contact Relationship code table

For the Medical Warnings System

Admission Source Code
R Routine Admission
T Transferred from another facility

Donor Summary code table

Donor Summary code table

For the Medical Warnings System

Donor Summary code Donor Summary description
blank No information
A All organs
B Body
E Eye
H Heart
K Kidney
L Lung
M Marrow
N Bone
S Skin
V Liver

MW Coding System code table

MW Coding System code table

For the Medical Warnings System

MW Coding System code MW Coding System description
blank No coding system being used
01 ICD-9
02 ICD-9-CM
03 RCC5 (Read)
05 Continuum AMR codes
06 ICD-9-CM-A

MW Severity code table

MW Severity code table

For the Medical Warnings System

MW Severity code MW Severity description
D Danger
W Warning
R Other warning (to retain historical ‘memo’ information from the former Continuum NMPI system)

Contact Relationship code table

For the Medical Warnings System

Admission Source Code
R Routine Admission
T Transferred from another facility

Donor Summary code table

For the Medical Warnings System

Donor Summary code Donor Summary description
blank No information
A All organs
B Body
E Eye
H Heart
K Kidney
L Lung
M Marrow
N Bone
S Skin
V Liver
X Not a donor

MW Coding System code table

For the Medical Warnings System

MW Coding System code MW Coding System description
blank No coding system being used
01 ICD-9
02 ICD-9-CM
03 RCC5 (Read)
05 Continuum AMR codes
06 ICD-9-CM-A

MW Severity code table

For the Medical Warnings System

MW Severity code MW Severity description
D Danger
W Warning
R Other warning (to retain historical ‘memo’ information from the former Continuum NMPI system)