About this data

Over time, two data collections have been used to present information in this series. The publications Mental Health: Service Use in New Zealand 2001 through to Mental Health: Service Use in New Zealand 2007/08 present data from the Mental Health Information National Collection (MHINC). Reports published from 2013 present data from the Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIHMD).

To access historical publications in this series please search the Ministry of Health’s online library catalogue.

For further information please contact: data-enquiries@health.govt.nz.

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use web tool

The Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use web tool published by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora presents data relating to specialist inpatient and community mental health and addiction services provided in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Access the Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use web tool.


Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use tables 2015-2020

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use tables 2015-2020

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use tables 2010-2015

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use tables 2010-2015

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use tables 2001-2010

Mental Health and Addiction: Service Use tables 2001-2010