Last updated 2pm 16 December 2024.

This data is updated weekly. All data on this page relates to tests recorded prior to 11:59pm 15 December 2024.

Testing data is collected from the Eclair database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.

Testing summary, status, and results

COVID-19 testing

PCR tests uploaded during past week 2,092
All COVID-19 viral tests administered 8,386,088
Testing kits in stock 22,373

Testing results from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Test results In managed facilities Within NZ communities Total
Tested positive for COVID-19 3,838 262,633 266,471
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 236,842 7,828,315 8,065,157
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 190 54,270 54,460
Total (all tests) 240,870 8,145,218 8,386,088
Graph of daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average) Graph of daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average) Graph of daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Testing over the past 4 weeks

Tests at managed facilities and within the community in health districts

Health district of residence 19 Nov to 24 Nov 26 Nov to 1 Dec 3 Dec to 8 Dec 10 Dec to 15 Dec
Auckland 204 285 228 200
Bay of Plenty 42 46 20 24
Canterbury/West Coast 54 53 56 64
Capital & Coast/Hutt 20 27 26 26
Counties Manukau 456 427 386 390
Hawkes Bay 152 129 159 136
Lakes 11 13 9 12
MidCentral 133 101 114 84
Nelson Marlborough 82 95 87 81
Northland 155 168 117 93
South Canterbury 15 23 18 23
Southern 192 205 204 216
Tairawhiti 10 12 7 4
Taranaki 68 88 78 79
Waikato 249 199 196 248
Wairarapa 28 41 41 20
Waitemata 401 410 343 366
Whanganui 14 9 10 13
Unknown 7 16 11 13
Total 2,293 2,347 2,110 2,092

Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

Tests by ethnicity

Ethnicity 19 Nov to 24 Nov 26 Nov to 1 Dec 3 Dec to 8 Dec 10 Dec to 15 Dec
Māori 448 446 401 412
Pacific Peoples 296 296 244 273
Asian 299 277 252 246
European or Other 1,245 1,319 1,203 1,155
Unknown 5 9 10 6
Total 2,293 2,347 2,110 2,092

Total tests

COVID-19 test result 19 Nov to 24 Nov 26 Nov to 1 Dec 3 Dec to 8 Dec 10 Dec to 15 Dec
Tested positive 184 198 179 202
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 2,086 2,126 1,919 1,879
Inconclusive result 23 23 12 11
Total 2,293 2,347 2,110 2,092

Testing rate and results by location and ethnicity

All tests by district and in managed isolation and quarantine facilities from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Location Total tests Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Managed isolation and quarantine facilities 240,870 1.59% NA
Auckland 1,178,838 3.00% 2,395.5
Bay of Plenty 300,052 2.75% 1,157.8
Canterbury/West Coast 665,783 4.34% 1,112.3
Capital & Coast/Hutt 527,175 3.27% 1,120.0
Counties Manukau 1,568,254 3.48% 2,647.1
Hawkes Bay 153,850 2.86% 881.6
Lakes 132,929 2.24% 1,161.7
MidCentral 148,771 3.30% 818.4
Nelson Marlborough 149,918 3.49% 951.7
Northland 282,686 2.42% 1,461.2
South Canterbury 42,030 3.17% 686.5
Southern 380,700 4.64% 1,135.6
Tairawhiti 36,205 2.59% 703.8
Taranaki 155,676 3.23% 1,264.8
Waikato 703,545 3.12% 1,635.0
Wairarapa 42,321 3.34% 870.5
Waitemata 1,384,599 2.81% 2,200.7
Whanganui 39,483 3.25% 578.6
Unknown 252,403 2.18% NA
Total 8,386,088 3.18% 1,677.1

Tests by ethnicity

Tests by ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Ethnicity* Total test Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Māori 1,269,653 3.14% 1,656.1
Pacific Peoples 981,886 5.02% 2,668.9
Asian 1,364,440 2.93% 1,857.1
European or Other 4,402,231 2.98% 1,416.2
Unknown 367,878 1.67% NA
Total 8,386,088 3.18% 1,677.1

*The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori.

Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

Testing rates per 1000 people by location and ethnicity

Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Location Māori Pacific peoples Asian European/Other
Auckland 3,015.8 2,826.8 2,051.4 2,283.2
Bay of Plenty 1,232.5 2,200.9 1,439.8 1,070.2
Canterbury/West Coast 1,202.1 1,372.1 1,239.4 1,046.3
Capital & Coast/Hutt 1,155.3 1,284.6 1,048.7 1,099.2
Counties Manukau 2,871.6 3,272.6 2,289.7 2,327.6
Hawkes Bay 838.6 1,871.6 1,031.0 810.6
Lakes 1,311.7 1,500.2 1,446.8 1,014.8
MidCentral 919.6 1,069.2 856.2 764.5
Nelson Marlborough 1,024.6 2,655.4 1,097.5 880.7
Northland 1,534.9 1,847.3 1,407.5 1,399.2
South Canterbury 841.4 1,352.5 782.2 637.5
Southern 1,216.7 1,753.4 1,287.8 1,088.0
Tairawhiti 728.5 1,109.8 952.7 623.2
Taranaki 1,442.0 1,679.5 1,617.4 1,187.4
Waikato 1,910.5 2,161.7 1,827.3 1,501.0
Wairarapa 958.2 1,127.7 966.7 833.7
Waitemata 2,701.9 2,851.6 1,849.3 2,175.0
Whanganui 584.8 708.0 665.4 559.2

Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity

Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Location Māori Pacific peoples Asian European/Other
Auckland 3.24% 5.09% 2.80% 2.56%
Bay of Plenty 2.88% 4.56% 3.19% 2.55%
Canterbury/West Coast 4.02% 5.69% 3.40% 4.57%
Capital & Coast/Hutt 3.11% 4.92% 2.94% 3.16%
Counties Manukau 3.40% 5.29% 2.75% 2.17%
Hawkes Bay 2.66% 3.07% 3.46% 2.90%
Lakes 2.15% 2.95% 1.72% 2.36%
MidCentral 2.75% 5.49% 2.93% 3.42%
Nelson Marlborough 3.46% 4.59% 4.53% 3.42%
Northland 2.44% 2.76% 2.12% 2.41%
South Canterbury 2.29% 4.56% 2.94% 3.28%
Southern 4.10% 5.13% 5.41% 4.62%
Tairawhiti 2.25% 3.85% 1.95% 3.05%
Taranaki 3.40% 3.94% 3.21% 3.19%
Waikato 3.45% 5.24% 3.74% 2.72%
Wairarapa 3.14% 4.50% 3.45% 3.35%
Waitemata 3.08% 4.59% 2.77% 2.48%
Whanganui 3.46% 4.75% 2.45% 3.16%

Note: we cannot give the total number of people testing positive per district and ethnicity for privacy reasons.

Testing rate and results by age and sex

Tests by age group from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Age group Total people tested Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
0 to 9 616,228 3.66% 943.4
10 to 19 689,011 3.80% 1,075.6
20 to 29 1,508,657 2.72% 2,237.7
30 to 39 1,544,046 2.49% 2,240.7
40 to 49 1,194,749 2.39% 1,904.2
50 to 59 1,190,896 2.40% 1,861.5
60 to 69 871,904 3.06% 1,630.5
70 to 79 450,698 5.49% 1,258.5
80+ 315,234 9.26% 1,719.5
Unknown 4,665 8.75% NA
Total 8,386,088 3.18% 1,677.1


Tests by sex from 22 January 2020 to 16 December 2024

Sex Total people tested Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Female 4,103,061 3.26% 1,609.0
Male 4,031,414 3.18% 1,646.4
Unknown 251,613 1.81% NA
Total 8,386,088 3.18% 1,677.1

Note: On 4 January 2022, the Ministry of Health started reporting testing rates using the Ministry's HSU population estimate.