Last updated 2pm 1 July 2024.

This data is updated weekly. All data on this page relates to tests recorded prior to 11:59pm 30 June 2024.

Testing data is collected from the Eclair database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.

Testing summary, status, and results

COVID-19 testing

PCR tests uploaded during past week 5,781
All COVID-19 viral tests administered 8,267,983
Testing kits in stock 22,373


Testing results from 22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Test results In managed facilities Within NZ communities Total
Tested positive for COVID-19 3,838 255,783 259,621
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 236,842 7,717,538 7,954,380
Inconclusive result for COVID-19 190 53,792 53,982
Total (all tests) 240,870 8,027,113 8,267,983
Graph of daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average) Graph of daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average) Graph of daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Daily number of tests completed for COVID-19 (with seven-day rolling average)

Testing over the past 4 weeks

Tests at managed facilities and within the community in health districts

Health district of residence 4 Jun to 9 Jun 11 Jun to 16 Jun 18 Jun to 23 Jun 25 Jun to 30 Jun
Auckland 640 649 642 484
Bay of Plenty 309 308 314 251
Canterbury/West Coast 959 815 744 449
Capital & Coast/Hutt 724 666 661 492
Counties Manukau 926 1,138 983 882
Hawkes Bay 203 245 294 193
Lakes 156 145 127 81
MidCentral 210 212 222 144
Nelson Marlborough 328 373 275 214
Northland 344 377 341 279
South Canterbury 20 19 21 7
Southern 507 641 604 424
Tairawhiti 51 29 24 33
Taranaki 322 262 236 166
Waikato 955 1,009 989 667
Wairarapa 118 112 99 57
Waitemata 1,159 1,413 1,307 868
Whanganui 31 39 48 35
Unknown 79 67 59 55
Total 8,041 8,519 7,990 5,781


Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

Tests by ethnicity

Ethnicity 4 Jun to 9 Jun 11 Jun to 16 Jun 18 Jun to 23 Jun 25 Jun to 30 Jun
Māori 1,663 1,704 1,643 1,223
Pacific Peoples 866 1,025 959 775
Asian 850 989 908 713
European or Other 4,582 4,735 4,417 3,023
Unknown 80 66 63 47
Total 8,041 8,519 7,990 5,781


Total tests

COVID-19 test result 4 Jun to 9 Jun 11 Jun to 16 Jun 18 Jun to 23 Jun 25 Jun to 30 Jun
Tested positive 953 827 730 482
Tested negative (no COVID-19) 7,061 7,673 7,236 5,287
Inconclusive result 27 19 24 12
Total 8,041 8,519 7,990 5,781


Testing rate and results by location and ethnicity

All tests by district and in managed isolation and quarantine facilities from 22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Location Total tests Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Managed isolation and quarantine facilities 240,870 1.59% NA
Auckland 1,175,261 2.97% 2,388.3
Bay of Plenty 296,368 2.72% 1,143.6
Canterbury/West Coast 654,015 4.30% 1,092.6
Capital & Coast/Hutt 519,629 3.23% 1,104.0
Counties Manukau 1,549,947 3.46% 2,616.2
Hawkes Bay 148,486 2.80% 850.9
Lakes 131,507 2.17% 1,149.2
MidCentral 144,400 3.26% 794.3
Nelson Marlborough 145,502 3.39% 923.6
Northland 274,934 2.32% 1,421.1
South Canterbury 40,403 3.03% 660.0
Southern 371,728 4.63% 1,108.8
Tairawhiti 35,797 2.55% 695.9
Taranaki 150,875 3.20% 1,225.8
Waikato 692,072 3.10% 1,608.3
Wairarapa 40,604 3.25% 835.2
Waitemata 1,365,780 2.75% 2,170.8
Whanganui 38,818 3.18% 568.8
Unknown 250,987 2.15% NA
Total 8,267,983 3.14% 1,653.4


Tests by ethnicity

Tests by ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Ethnicity* Total test Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Māori 1,238,394 3.12% 1,615.3
Pacific Peoples 965,503 5.03% 2,624.4
Asian 1,347,239 2.91% 1,833.7
European or Other 4,346,164 2.92% 1,398.2
Unknown 370,683 1.67% NA
Total 8,267,983 3.14% 1,653.4


* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.


The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

Testing rates per 1000 people by location and ethnicity

Testing rates per 1000 people by location and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Location Māori Pacific peoples Asian European/Other
Auckland 2,980.0 2,796.8 2,047.5 2,279.9
Bay of Plenty 1,203.2 2,167.6 1,437.4 1,060.8
Canterbury/West Coast 1,166.9 1,347.9 1,217.3 1,028.0
Capital & Coast/Hutt 1,127.8 1,256.3 1,027.7 1,086.6
Counties Manukau 2,835.3 3,219.6 2,257.7 2,316.4
Hawkes Bay 801.6 1,825.4 1,006.1 781.3
Lakes 1,289.5 1,459.6 1,460.2 1,006.1
MidCentral 883.4 1,047.9 843.7 742.1
Nelson Marlborough 991.3 2,589.7 1,056.1 854.6
Northland 1,472.6 1,804.1 1,360.1 1,372.0
South Canterbury 786.8 1,286.7 773.3 613.5
Southern 1,168.8 1,695.5 1,261.4 1,063.9
Tairawhiti 712.3 1,118.2 979.2 622.2
Taranaki 1,369.5 1,618.6 1,572.2 1,156.2
Waikato 1,861.5 2,122.1 1,794.3 1,482.3
Wairarapa 899.8 1,098.6 931.4 803.0
Waitemata 2,637.7 2,795.6 1,816.8 2,153.7
Whanganui 573.2 655.1 651.6 552.0


Note: some people are tested more than once. We cannot give you detailed information about tests in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity

Percentage of tests returning a positive result by district and ethnicity from 22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Location Māori Pacific peoples Asian European/Other
Auckland 3.22% 5.13% 2.78% 2.52%
Bay of Plenty 2.82% 4.40% 3.21% 2.52%
Canterbury/West Coast 3.96% 5.71% 3.37% 4.54%
Capital & Coast/Hutt 3.11% 4.97% 2.97% 3.10%
Counties Manukau 3.40% 5.31% 2.73% 2.12%
Hawkes Bay 2.58% 3.10% 3.41% 2.84%
Lakes 2.09% 2.94% 1.70% 2.29%
MidCentral 2.75% 5.41% 2.94% 3.36%
Nelson Marlborough 3.28% 4.60% 4.67% 3.30%
Northland 2.39% 2.70% 2.07% 2.28%
South Canterbury 2.44% 4.08% 2.84% 3.12%
Southern 4.15% 5.05% 5.41% 4.61%
Tairawhiti 2.22% 4.27% 1.83% 2.96%
Taranaki 3.44% 3.91% 3.30% 3.13%
Waikato 3.48% 5.25% 3.75% 2.67%
Wairarapa 3.08% 4.27% 3.44% 3.26%
Waitemata 3.04% 4.55% 2.73% 2.41%
Whanganui 3.35% 4.65% 2.37% 3.12%


Note: we cannot give the total number of people testing positive per district and ethnicity for privacy reasons.

Testing rate and results by age and sex

Tests by age group from  22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Age group Total people tested Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
0 to 9 590,628 3.69% 904.2
10 to 19 683,048 3.81% 1,066.3
20 to 29 1,501,807 2.72% 2,227.5
30 to 39 1,535,207 2.48% 2,227.9
40 to 49 1,187,456 2.37% 1,892.6
50 to 59 1,181,081 2.38% 1,846.2
60 to 69 857,383 3.01% 1,603.3
70 to 79 433,259 5.40% 1,209.8
80+ 294,252 9.23% 1,605.1
Unknown 3,862 9.66% NA
Total 8,267,983 3.14% 1,653.4


Tests by sex

Tests by sex from 22 January 2020 to 1 July 2024

Sex Total people tested Tested positive (%) Test rate per 1000 people
Female 4,042,875 3.22% 1,585.4
Male 3,973,585 3.14% 1,622.8
Unknown 251,523 1.80% NA
Total 8,267,983 3.14% 1,653.4


Note: On 4 January 2022, the Ministry of Health started reporting testing rates using the Ministry's HSU population estimate.