As described in chapter 4, certain vaccines may be given in addition to or instead of the routine Schedule vaccines as part of an extended immunisation programme for special groups.


Individuals eligible for funded vaccine


Post-HSCT or chemotherapy; pre- or post-splenectomy or with functional asplenia; pre- or post-solid organ transplant (SOT), pre- or post-cochlear implants, renal dialysis and other severely immunosuppressive regimens. Testing for primary immune deficiency.

Hep A

Transplant patients. Children with chronic liver disease. Close contacts of hepatitis A cases.

HepB and HBIG

HepB and HBIG at birth for babies of mothers with chronic HBV infection. HepB for: household or sexual contacts of HBsAg-positive patients; children <18 years who have not achieved positive serology and who require additional vaccination; HIV- or hepatitis C-positive patients; following non-consensual sexual intercourse; following immunosuppression; SOT; post-HSCT; following needle-stick injury; dialysis and liver or kidney transplant.


Individuals aged 9–26 years: with confirmed HIV infection; transplant (including stem cell) patients; post-chemotherapy.


Pregnant women.

Individuals aged 6 months to <65 years with certain medical conditions.


For (re-)vaccination following immunosuppression.

MenC, MenACWY and MenB

Pre- or post-splenectomy or with functional asplenia; with HIV, complement deficiency (acquired or inherited) or pre- or post-SOT; close contacts of meningococcal cases; prior meningococcal disease (any group); HSCT patients; prior to planned immunosuppression; following immunosuppression.

Pertussis-containing vaccine

Tdap for pregnant women, recommended from 16 weeks’ gestation of every pregnancy, preferably in the second trimester, but at least two weeks before birth. (Funded when given any time in second or third trimester.) Tdap is funded for parents or primary caregivers of infants admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Specialist Care Baby Unit for more than 3 days.

Tdap, DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib or DTaP-IPV for (re-)vaccination: post-HSCT or chemotherapy; pre- or post-splenectomy; pre- or post-SOT, renal dialysis and other severely immunosuppressive regimens.

PCV13 and 23PPV

Children and adults with eligible conditions.

PCV13 and 23PPV for testing for primary immune deficiency.


For (re-)vaccination following immunosuppression.


For (re-)vaccination following immunosuppression; boosting of patients with tetanus-prone wounds; testing for primary immune deficiency.


Infants and children <5 years at increased risk of TB.


Varicella non-immune patients: with chronic liver disease who may need a transplant in the future; with deteriorating renal function before transplant; prior to SOT; prior to elective immunosuppression; for post-exposure prophylaxis of immune-competent in-patients; HIV-positive with mild or moderate immunosuppression, on advice of their specialist. Patients at least 2 years after HSCT or at least 6 months after completion of chemotherapy, on advice of their specialist. Patients with inborn errors of metabolism at risk of major metabolic decompensation, with no clinical history of varicella. Household members with no clinical history of varicella: of paediatric patients who are immunocompromised or undergoing a procedure leading to immunocompromise; of adult patients who have no clinical history of varicella and who are severely immunocompromised or undergoing a procedure leading to immunocompromise.


Individuals aged from 18 years who are pre/ post HSCT or cellular therapy; pre/post SOT; with haematological malignancies; with poorly controlled HIV infection; individuals with certain rheumatological diseases receiving DMARDS; with end-stage CKD 4 or 5; or primary immunodeficiencies.

For details by vaccine and special groups, see the most current IMAC factsheet ‘Funded vaccines for special groups’ (available on the IMAC website).

Also, see the Pharmaceutical Schedule for the number of funded doses and any changes to the funding decisions.