Together we can keep antibiotics working

Health professionals in hospitals play a vital role in reducing antimicrobial resistance so we can keep antibiotics working.

Why you need to take action

Why you need to take action

Why you need to take action


  • Antibiotic resistant infections are one of the biggest challenges for hospitals to deliver safe and effective health care.
  • Patients with antibiotic-resistant infections are more likely to experience treatment failure, side-effects, recurrent infections, longer hospital-stays, or death.
  • Antibiotic resistant infections are usually spread by direct contact with patients colonised or infected with resistant bacteria and the patient’s immediate environment. Transient contamination of health care workers hands supports spread to other patients and the health care environment.
  • A key driver of antibiotic resistance is the misuse of antibiotics.
  • Antimicrobial stewardship in hospitals and in the community is a key strategy to prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
  • About one third of people were dispensed an antibiotic within 30 days of discharge from hospital in 2017.
  • Māori and Pacific peoples are between two and four times more likely to be admitted to hospital for treatment of an infection than other New Zealanders. This means that Māori and Pacific peoples will be disproportionately impacted by worse health outcomes due to antibiotic resistance.

What hospital prescribers can do

What hospital prescribers can do

What hospital prescribers can do


What hospital pharmacists can do

What hospital pharmacists can do

What hospital pharmacists can do


What hospital nurses can do

What hospital nurses can do

What hospital nurses can do




Data sources

Data sources

Data sources


He Ako Hiringa 
He Ako Hiringa publishes three national data stories on key focus areas for primary care: topical antibiotics, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and antibiotics used for the treatment of urinary tract infections. Data current to last three months and updated quarterly.


ESR surveillance information
The Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited (ESR) has an extensive surveillance programme on antimicrobial resistance.