Read more about the New Zealand Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan (Action Plan).

The Terms of Reference and minutes from the NZAMRGG are available in the downloads section of this page.


About the NZAMRGG



This group has been established to: 

  • oversee and provide advice on the implementation of the Action Plan
  • provide alignment between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary Industries on the Action Plan
  • provide transparency in the implementation of the Action Plan.



The Action Plan has five objectives and lists priority areas for action and activities for each objective, along with a timeline for undertaking this work.

  • Objective 1: Awareness and Understanding
    Improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training
  • Objective 2: Surveillance and Research
    Strengthen the knowledge and evidence base about antimicrobial resistance through surveillance and research
  • Objective 3: Infection Prevention and Control
    Improve infection prevention and control measures across human and animal care settings to prevent infection and transmission of microorganisms
  • Objective 4: Antimicrobial Stewardship
    Optimise the use of antimicrobial medicines in human health, animal health and agriculture, including by maintaining and enhancing the regulation of animal and agriculture antimicrobials
  • Objective 5: Governance collaboration and investment
    Establish and support clear governance, collaboration and investment arrangements for a sustainable approach to countering antimicrobial resistance



The NZAMRGG consists of members of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary Industries, and non-government members nominated by the respective agencies.

Meeting frequency

Meeting frequency

Meetings take place three times per year.



The Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Primary Industries are co-chairs of the group and alternate the specific chairperson for each meeting.


Terms of reference

Terms of reference

The NZAMRGG reviews the terms of reference every year.

Download: Terms of Reference - DOCX, 86 KB

The New Zealand Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan Governance Group Terms of Reference