
Tracy Murphy – co-lead

Tracy Murphy – co-lead


Tracy is an occupational therapist with a special interest in stroke care spanning nearly 20 years of practice.

She has clinical and project experience across the care continuum, from hyper-acute and acute care through to inpatient rehabilitation and early supported discharge services both in Aotearoa and the UK. She has led the development of bodies of work contributing to the improvement and expansion of stroke and rehabilitation services.

In 2014 Tracy completed her Masters research, investigating how occupational therapists navigate complex discharge planning for older adults. Since 2018 she has worked in a variety of leadership roles, including Occupational Therapy Professional Lead, Team Lead for multi-disciplinary inpatient services and early supported discharge teams. Most recently, she held the role of Clinical Lead for the Planning, Funding and Performance team in Te Matau a Māui.

Tracy was heavily involved in the rural and isolated community health response following the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle. She is currently supporting the Hospital Redevelopment Programme for Te Matau a Māui, working with the project team to bring an equity driven and Te Tiriti committed voice to influence traditionally clinical spaces.

Since 2021, Tracy has continued to build on her knowledge through her study towards a Doctorate of Health Sciences. This kaupapa Māori research will determine how Māori clinical leaders want to be supported to thrive in Crown health organisations in Aotearoa. It aims to articulate the full scope of Māori clinical leadership work and understand Māori clinical leaders’ aspirations for support and growth. She aims to submit her thesis for examination in April 2024.

Tracy is a tangata whenua director of Te Poari Whakaora Ngangahau o Aotearoa, the Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand. Te Poari has implemented a co-chair model and is currently progressing its Te Tiriti committed governance model.

Tracy is passionate about the National Clinical Networks’ commitment to Te Tiriti and aim to improve access and equity of health services across Aotearoa.

Alan Davis – co-lead

Alan Davis – co-lead

Alan is a respected leader in the field of Stroke prevention and care, with over 30 years clinical experience building on qualifications from Auckland, Otago and Victoria Universities, and Fellowships in Internal Medicine and Medical Administration.

Based in Whangārei, Alan’s significant experience spans a wide range of clinical specialties across several countries in both private and public sectors. His specialist areas have included primary care, medical oncology, liver medicine, rehabilitation medicine, general internal medicine, geriatric medicine, bioethics and stroke medicine.

Alan has held clinical leadership and network leadership roles in Person and Whānau centred care, long term conditions, medication safety, health information technology and healthy ageing.

Alan has held clinical governance roles up to Associate Chief Medical Officer, and management roles up to Group Manager level. These roles have included involvement in many clinical and managerial governance processes.

His external agency experience extends to governance roles in Hospice/Palliative Care, Ageing and Dementia, and school governance.

An interest in service improvement was the driver for Alan to obtain training in Lean improvement methodology and IHI Model for Improvement.

In recent years Alan has become passionate about partnership and co-design, and the richness this brings to service improvement.

He is looking forward to using all of his experience to support the advancement of equity and access to health across communities.


Lia Sinclair – co-lead

Lia Sinclair – co-lead

Ngāti Raukawa

Lia is a specialist nurse practitioner with significant experience in primary, hospital and palliative care.

She currently practices in the cardiology service at Te Whatu Ora – Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua – MidCentral District where she is responsible for the assessment, diagnoses, planning, implementation, coordination and evaluation of care for people with cardiac disorders.

Her role includes facilitating care for patients and their whānau across the care continuum including improving access to primary, secondary and palliative services. She also supports those providing health services, by mentoring registered nurses who are on a pathway to undertake or complete post graduate study.

Lia, who has a Master of Nursing from Massey University, is passionate about improving health outcomes for people and has a particular interest in supporting equity and access to health services for Māori.

Lia’s approach to nursing is influenced through both her worked and lived experience, as a Māori accessing health services.

She has a strong commitment to quality and service improvement. She completed a term as co-chair of both the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Heart Failure Working Group.

She has recently completed a term as service chair for MidCentral cardiology, is the current palliative care interface cardiology representative and is involved with the integration of cardiology specialist services within primary care.

Cara Wasywich - co-lead

Cara Wasywich - co-lead

Cara is a respected cardiologist and the current Service Clinical Director of the Te Toka Tumai Auckland Cardiology Department.

Cara brings a unique lens to clinical leadership, equity and access to health services in New Zealand having grown up living off the grid in the Coromandel.

Cara completed medical school in Auckland before moving on to cardiology training at Greenlane Hospital. She then spent two years as a research and transplant fellow in Auckland before undertaking a transplant and heart failure fellowship in Vancouver, Canada.

Now a fellow of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Cara’s work as a cardiologist has covered the breadth of general cardiology, with particular expertise in advanced heart failure management and transplant.

Throughout her career, Cara has focused on making systems and services better and has a good understanding of how improving process leads to better experiences and outcomes for patients.

Cara aims to always enable those around her to stretch to their maximum professional potential and firmly believes in the strength of people working together to bring about positive change.

She is passionate about the opportunity to improve equitable access to excellent cardiac care across the whole country and contribute to better healthcare for all New Zealanders.


Max Raos – co-lead

Max Raos – co-lead

Te Atiawa

Max has been a doctor in hospitals in Aotearoa and Australia since 2009. He currently works as an Emergency Physician at Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s Middlemore Hospital.

Max has a particular interest in Indigenous Health and in systems to improve health outcomes for Māori. He is current co-chair of the Indigenous Health Committee at the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine - the not-for-profit organisation responsible for training emergency physicians and advancement of professional standards in emergency medicine in Australia and New Zealand.

His skillset spans advocacy, complex patient assessment, diagnostic/therapeutic procedures, result interpretation, collaborative care coordination and teaching.

Max’s ideal working environment is with a diverse group of health professionals whose ambition is to generate excellent health outcomes for all people in a system where clinical data informs evidence-based solutions.

Max holds a Batchelor of Medicine and Batchelor of Surgery from Auckland University Medical School and was a fellow of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine in 2017.

James Moore – co-lead

James Moore – co-lead

Rangitāne, Ngāti Kahungunu, Whānau-ā-Apanui

James is a Consultant Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Physician based in Wellington with subspeciality interests in trauma, cardiothoracic anaesthesia, intensive care, and pre-hospital medicine.

He is currently the head of Trauma Services at Wellington Hospital, the Clinical Lead for the Central Regional Trauma Network.

James is an active clinical researcher, particularly in the fields of trauma, haemorrhage and coagulopathy, traumatic brain injury, health equity and intensive care medicine. He is an honorary senior research fellow at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand.

A graduate of the University of Otago Medical School, he completed his specialist medical training in New Zealand with further subspecialty training in cardiac anaesthesia and intensive care at Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom. James also holds a Master of Science with Distinction in Trauma Sciences from Queen Mary University of London.

James originally trained as a paramedic and worked in frontline ambulance roles with both St John and Wellington Free Ambulance. He continues to support St John as a medical advisor.


Leanne Te Karu – co-lead

Leanne Te Karu – co-lead

Ngāti Rangi, Te Ati Haunui-a-Pāpārangi Muaūpoko

Leanne has broad experience across Aotearoa New Zealand’s health and disability system, including in clinical settings, governance, research, strategy, and iwi development.

Clinically, Leanne works as Aotearoa’s first pharmacist prescriber, focusing on complex multimorbidity and unmet needs. She is committed to weaving the strands of clinical excellence, cultural safety and indigenous knowledge and values.

In addition to general practice/medical clinics, she works in marae settings alongside rongoā practitioners, including in the Waimarino among her whānau, to optimise medicine therapy. Medicines optimisation acknowledges that medicines have the potential to cure, control or prevent illness but that they can also cause adverse effects. The aim is to ensure optimal use, so the impacts of illnesses are reduced, and drug-related harms are avoided.

Leanne sits on New Zealand’s Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee and was a Ministerial Appointment to the PHARMAC Review Panel tasked with reviewing Pharmac and to make recommendations on ensuring that New Zealanders have the best health outcomes from medicines and in particular Māori and Pasifika.

Leanne co-founded Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Puna Rongoā o Aotearoa, the Māori Pharmacists’ Association, in 2003 as a network to support Māori pharmacists and to hold the pharmacy profession to deliver culturally safe care to Māori.

A highlight of the awards and recognition Leanne has received includes being inaugural recipient of the Primary Healthcare Clinical Pharmacist Award at the New Zealand Primary Healthcare | He Tohu Mauri Ora Awards.

Leanne is focused on indigenous peoples and understanding how health systems can best support those who are disadvantaged, arguing for a medicines environment from a solution-focused societal perspective with mātauranga at its core.

Drew Henderson – co-lead

Drew Henderson – co-lead

Drew has been a consultant nephrologist in Aotearoa and Scotland for more than 15 years and is currently Medical Director and consultant nephrologist at Waikato Hospital.

He was the first full time nephrologist at Hawke’s Bay hospital between 2007 and 2011 where he led the development of the business case for the Hawke’s Bay Hospital Renal Unit. In parallel, he developed a comprehensive multidisciplinary renal service with provision of in-centre and home dialysis training, vascular access and parathyroid surgery, plasma exchange and local transplant follow up.

Drew developed outreach services to Wairoa and collaborated with the local community to set up the Wairoa community dialysis house.

After six years in Scotland, Drew returned to Aotearoa in 2017 and took up his role as consultant nephrologist before becoming clinical lead in 2019 and then Medical Director Cancer, Chronic Conditions and Radiology in 2022 at Waikato Hospital.

He is the medical lead for the business case and design for the new kidney unit Te Pureoranga at Waikato Hospital. He has been a member of the National Renal Advisory Board (2021-2023), the National Renal Transplant Service Strategic Group (2020-2023) and currently a council member of the Australia New Zealand Society of Nephrology.

Drew is an advocate for improvement in health outcomes for Māori and Pacific peoples including development of clinical equity measures to drive improvement and has helped increased transplantation rates for Māori across Te Manawa Taki.


Sharyn MacDonald - co lead

Sharyn MacDonald - co lead
Head and shoulders photo of Sharyn MacDonald Head and shoulders photo of Sharyn MacDonald

Sharyn is a Christchurch-based consultant radiologist with over 20 years of clinical experience working for Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury and in private practice.

A graduate of the University of Otago medical school, she completed her radiology training in Christchurch before undertaking further specialty training in cardiothoracic imaging at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, Greenlane Hospital in Auckland, and Vancouver General Hospital.

Sharyn is currently the Chief of Radiology at Waitaha Canterbury and the clinical lead for the South Island radiology regional service. She has also provided leadership via the former National Radiology Advisory Group, and as a co-chair/founder of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Thoracic Radiology and chair of the Intersociety and Global Outreach committee of the Society of Thoracic Radiology, USA.

Over and above her clinical work, her experience spans service development, improvement, and innovation, both within radiology and at organisation level.

Sharyn’s leadership area of passion is setting up radiology services to succeed with delivering quality, safe and timely imaging and interventional care.

She has a particular interest in how production planning processes from the manufacturing industry can be used to help align capacity and demand and plan service delivery in health care.

Sharyn is looking forward to continuing to collaborate with her radiology colleagues and others across the health system to enhance the radiology services available to our communities.

Eye Health

Tofilau Alistair Papali’i-Curtin - co lead

Tofilau Alistair Papali’i-Curtin - co lead
Head and shoulders photo of Tofilau Alistair Papali’i-Curtin Head and shoulders photo of Tofilau Alistair Papali’i-Curtin

Alistair is Samoan-Pakeha and one of two Pasifika FRANZCO ophthalmologists in New Zealand. He holds the Matai title of Tofilau from Iva, Samoa.

He has over 12 years governance experience with national and international professional organisations and institutions. Alistair is also a member of the NZ Institute of Directors and a past board representative of the Pasifika Medical Association, a key stakeholder of Pacific health.

Alistair is motivated to improve the equity, efficiency and quality of eye health services, particularly for Māori and Pasifika. He has contributed significant work to maximise the productivity of eye teams he has been involved with, to enable the delivery of high-quality eye care.

He has co-authored key eye health plans including the recent Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) Pasifika Eye Health Action Plan, the Te Tiriti o Waitangi Action Plan and Māori and Pasifika sections of the RANZCO’s Vision for Aotearoa New Zealand’s Eye Healthcare to 2030 and Beyond.

He has proven experience in developing effective public ophthalmic systems at a number of centres across the country that standardise a high-quality patient experience. He attributes this success to a collaborative approach, which centres on building a strong and supportive team culture that prioritises inclusivity and excellence.

Sarah Welch - co lead

Sarah Welch - co lead
Head and shoulders photo of Sarah Welch Head and shoulders photo of Sarah Welch

Sarah is a vitreoretinal surgeon who is committed to improving equity in eye-health services. 

She has worked as a consultant ophthalmologist at the Greenlane Ophthalmology department for nearly 15 years and has been the clinical lead for the past 10 years. She was also appointed the clinical lead for the Northern region in 2021.

During this time, Sarah has worked to improve access and equity to eye-care for all patients. Her co-operative leadership style has allowed her to work closely with other departments while overseeing the opening of satellite clinics to ensure excellent eye-care is available across the region. Sarah has extensive experience in vitreoretinal and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and is a member of a working group that is tasked with setting up a National ROP screening service.

Outside of her clinical work, Sarah has had a life-long belief in social justice. Prior to embarking on her medical career, she explored a variety of areas involving work and study.  After completing a maths degree, she worked in Rape Crisis, advocating for the rights of women and instigated the first Rape Awareness Week in Aotearoa.

Sarah then worked as an assistant film editor for a number of feature films and television programmes, which lead her to institute Wellington’s first LGBTQ film festival, ‘Reel Queer’, which then became an annual event for some years in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. 

Infection Services

Carolyn Clissold - co lead

Carolyn Clissold - co lead
Head and shoulders photo of Carolyn Clissold Head and shoulders photo of Carolyn Clissold

Carolyn is a respected member of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) community with more than 15 years’ experience as an IPC Clinical Nurse Specialist at Capital and Coast.

She was an IPC nursing representative on the Healthcare Acquired Infection Governance Group, Healthcare Anti-microbial Resistance Committee and COVID IPC sub-technical advisory group. Carolyn is also former chair of the IPC nursing college (2018-2022).

Since January 2023 Carolyn has been seconded from her IPC nursing position to a Chief Clinical Advisor position in Te Whatu Ora. In this role she has provided IPC input into public health advice and has chaired the COVID clinical advisory group. This cohesive multidisciplinary group has provided advice on COVID-19 issues as they affect health care and communities.

Carolyn also provides leadership to the Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) technical advisory group, a national multi-disciplinary group which has input from microbiologists, infectious disease specialists and infection prevention and control nurses. This group has provided advice and leadership for the Te Manawa Taki hospitals outbreak of VRE.

She has a proven ability to build both working committees and drive progress, demonstrated by her implementation of a national IPC training programme in her time as the chair of the IPC nursing college.