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National Renal Transplant Service
NRTS terms of reference and members
NRTS terms of reference and members
Information on the terms of reference and members in the strategic and operational groups of the NRTS.
Whatu Tāniko
Terms of reference
NRTS terms of reference 2020 (docx, 46 KB)
NRTS terms of reference 2020 (pdf, 218 KB)
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Strategic group members
Strategic group members
Nick Cross, Canterbury DHB
Paul Manley, Auckland DHB
Philip Matheson, Capital and Coast DHB
John Irvine, Canterbury DHB
Richard Evans, Capital and Coast DHB
Justin Roake, Canterbury DHB
Kristin Wilson, Auckland DHB
Ralph La salle, Canterbury DHB
John Schollum, Southern DHB
Claire Beckett, Capital and Coast DHB
Denise Beechey, Counties Manukau DHB
Merryn Jones, Hawke’s Bay DHB
Drew Henderson, Waikato DHB
Andy McNally, Hawke's Bay DHB
Chanel Prestidge, Starship Hospital, Auckland
Heather Dunckley, Auckland
Janice Langlands, Auckland
John Kearns, Auckland
Carl Muthukumaraswamay, Auckland DHB
Jane Presto, Capital and Coast DHB
Karen McLeod, Southern DHB
Jo Brown, Auckland DHB
Operational group members
Operational group members
Nick Cross, Canterbury DHB
Paul Manley, Auckland DHB
Philip Matheson, Capital and Coast DHB
John Irvine, Canterbury DHB
Richard Evans, Capital and Coast DHB
Justin Roake, Canterbury DHB
Kristin Wilson, Auckland DHB
Ralph La Salle, Canterbury DHB
John Schollum, Southern DHB
Claire Beckett, Capital and Coast DHB
Denise Beechey, Counties Manukau DHB
Carl Muthukumaraswamay, Auckland DHB
Jane Presto, Capital and Coast DHB
Karen Lovelock, Auckland DHB
Also in this section
About the National Renal Advisory Board
NRAB meeting agendas and minutes
About The National Renal Transplant Service
NRTS terms of reference and members
NRTS meeting minutes
Quality Improvement Metrics
NRTS papers and reports
Papers and reports
Terms of reference