
121 - 130 of 489 results for ‘standards’.

  • BreastScreen Aotearoa surgeon

    and treatment of cancers detected. In addition, the surgeon will contribute to setting standards, audit and administrative aspects of the programme as required. Qualifications and experience ... A full description of the professional requirements for breastcare nurses working the in the BSA programme is in criterion 8.20 of the BreastScreen Aotearoa National Policy and Quality Standards. BreastScreen Aotearoa National Policy and Quality Standards Download: BreastScreen Aotearoa National Policy and Quality Standards Appendix 22 - PDF, 68 KB Accreditation

  • Working together on quality improvements for newborn metabolic screening samples – Transit times

    at Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora, and is a collaborative effort with LabPLUS (the laboratory of Auckland City Hospital), Districts and lead maternity carers (LMCs). Standards and results


    SNOMED is a standard for the health and disability system SNOMED is required by the Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) as a standard for the health and disability system. HISO

  • Cellsites and 5G

    for the Environment The Ministry responsible for the Resource Management Act, which sets rules about where cellsites can be put up. National environmental standards for telecommunications facilities World

  • Cold chain standards for vaccines

    Cold chain standards for vaccines ... Learn about vaccine cold chain standards ... Information for providers/clinics/hospital departments storing and/or administering vaccines The Ministry has reviewed the cold chain documents and the National Standards

  • General consideration for the control of communicable diseases in Aotearoa New Zealand

  • DHB reference information

    ) PRIMHD standards (goes to another website)

  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment (CVDRA) API

    Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora provides a Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) based Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment (CVDRA) service for New Zealand healthcare providers. The CVDRA service, based on algorithms specific to the New Zealand population, helps show the risk of a person between ages 30 and 74 having a serious cardiovascular event in the next five years. Accessible ... ) Data Standard Learn more: Health records standards – CVDRA API standards

  • Smart meters

  • Abortion services: information for health practitioners