
91 - 100 of 402 results for ‘guidelines’.

  • Service standards and guidelines

    Service standards and guidelines ... ) Clinical Practice Guidelines The Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cervical Screening in Aotearoa New Zealand 2023 have been developed for practitioners providing health services across the cervical screening pathway. The guidelines aim to provide a standardised national approach in order to assist providers to achieve best-practice outcomes.   Read the Clinical Practice Guidelines (PDF, 2.8MB)

  • Antimicrobial prescribing guidance and antibiograms

    Find information on antimicrobial prescribing guidelines and antibiograms for New Zealand clinicians. ... A team of clinicians and researchers is working collaboratively across the motu to merge the guidelines below into a single national prescribing standard to support effective, equitable and sustainable antimicrobial use for Aotearoa New Zealand. Find out more about this mahi and the team behind it here. The team anticipate launching the national guidelines in 2025. For further information ... access the Pink Book antimicrobial guidelines. Pink Book antimicrobial guidelines - Health NZ Waitaha Canterbury Published antibiograms Published antibiograms information available

  • WHO cause-of-death certification

    Information about the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the rules for health practitioners, guidelines for clinical coders. ... Role of the WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the international guidelines for the format of the cause-of-death section on the Medical Certificates of Cause of Death as well as the rules and guidelines for clinical coders to select the   underlying cause of death   for cause-of-death statistics. Definition of underlying cause of death The ‘underlying cause of death’ is defined by WHO as: ‘the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or, the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced

  • Non-seasonal influenza

    . Activation occurs when the Director of Public Health develops and disseminates clinical and related guidelines for the relevant strain. In the absence of any such current guidelines, this category will be inactive. Further information on the surveillance and management of the strain of influenza will be provided through updates to these guidelines, and hence no further information is provided in this manual

  • Key documentation

    Find the guide to the AIR vaccinator portal, guidelines for PMS users, and vaccination and newborn enrolment forms. ... Download: Understanding the AIR vaccinator portal guide - PDF, 281 KB This document provides information to users of the AIR Vaccinator Portal and details on signing up to the AIR. Download - PDF, 281 KB Guidelines for practices using a PMS Download: Guidelines for PMS Users Recording Overseas Vaccinations - PDF, 246 KB Download - PDF, 246 KB Download: Recording HepB serology results in a PMS - PDF, 752 KB

  • Key documentation

    Find the guide to the AIR vaccinator portal, guidelines for PMS users, and vaccination and newborn enrolment forms. ... Download: Understanding the AIR vaccinator portal guide - PDF, 281 KB This document provides information to users of the AIR Vaccinator Portal and details on signing up to the AIR. Download - PDF, 281 KB Guidelines for practices using a PMS Download: Guidelines for PMS Users Recording Overseas Vaccinations - PDF, 246 KB Download - PDF, 246 KB Download: Recording HepB serology results in a PMS - PDF, 752 KB

  • The Management of Asbestos in the Non-Occupational Environment: Guidelines for Public Health Officers

    The Management of Asbestos in the Non-Occupational Environment: Guidelines for Public Health Officers ... The guidelines provide advice to public health officers to support the management of public health risks from asbestos in non-occupational settings. ... These guidelines are directed at non-workplace exposure to asbestos in the air. WorkSafe New Zealand is the lead agency for potential workplace exposure to asbestos, and regional councils

  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

    : A guideline for diagnosis across the lifespan  (Canada) Updated Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders  (United States) FASD - learning opportunities Oranga

  • Mesh exception process

  • Establishing a Violence Intervention Programme (VIP)

    and purchasers support family violence intervention programmes. Ministry of Health family violence assessment and intervention guidelines are clearly endorsed by family violence agencies’ support ... support and community collaboration guidelines and policies resources including cue cards, posters, pamphlets and flowcharts funded VIP coordinators including staff support, mentoring and supervision ... Guidelines, professional standards and legislative requirements (eg, Vulnerable Children Act 2014). The policy must meet the needs of the services it relates to. The steering/reference group process must