361 - 370 of 402 results for ‘guidelines’.
24. Varicella (chickenpox)
. See Table 4.4 for an accelerated immunisation schedule for infants in whom liver or kidney transplant is likely. c. Check Starship Children’s Hospital guidelines ... .6. Contraindications and precautions See section 2.1.3 for pre-vaccination screening guidelines and section 2.1.4 for general ... immunoglobulin (IVIG) can be given when ZIG is unavailable. For further information, see Starship Child Health guidelines . The decision whether to offer ZIG depends on:[ 43 ] the likelihood
He Ara Oranga response
, specifications, guidelines, quality improvement processes and accountability arrangements. Accept 25 Direct the Ministry of Health, working with other agencies, including the Ministry of Education
Arboviral diseases
and Control Unit. 2008. The Blue Book: Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases. Victoria: Public Health Branch, Department of Human Services, State Government of Victoria. Department of Health
International Recruitment Centre
a variety of tools and guidelines to support our international recruitment processes. We are sharing these resources to use as you need, to support your international recruitment processes. Candidate
12. Measles
section 2.1.3 for pre-vaccination screening guidelines and section 2.1.4 for general vaccine contraindications ... in pregnancy, unable to receive MMR0. For further details for infants under 6 months and immunocompromised children refer to the Starship Child Health guidelines . The recommended dose for pregnant
Monitoring indicators
*** *** The target was calculated on the expected adverse event rates reported in the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Quality Assurance Guidelines for Colonoscopy and based on the fact that 7 out of 10 pilot
Monitoring indicators
*** *** The target was calculated on the expected adverse event rates reported in the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Quality Assurance Guidelines for Colonoscopy and based on the fact that 7 out of 10 pilot
Arboviral diseases
and Control Unit. 2008. The Blue Book: Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases. Victoria: Public Health Branch, Department of Human Services, State Government of Victoria. Department of Health
:// Communicable Diseases Network Australia. 2022. Monkeypox Virus Infection: CDNA Interim National Guidelines for Public Health Units : Version 2.0. Available from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 2022. Factsheet for health professionals
Cardiac anomalies
Cardiac anomalies guidelines ... These guidelines were published in 2019 and are awaiting review, due 2022. Some content may be outdated. The most common cardiac anomalies are summarised in this section. The main reference source for this section is A Practical Guide to Fetal Echocardiography: Normal and abnormal hearts (Abuhamad and Chaoui 2015). For more detail, please refer to this guide or another fetal echocardiography text. Ventricular septal defects VSDs are the most commonly prenatally-detected cardiac anomaly. A VSD is an opening in the ventricular septum, leading to a shunt