About this item

Issue date:
31 July 2024
Corporate Author:
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora,
Information release,
Organisational information,


Board meeting - 26 January

Board meeting - 26 January

The Board of Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 26 January at 9:30am, with the first 30 minutes open to the public this month. 

Click here to open a new screen and read the open agenda of this meeting:

You can view the open Board session: Video of public session 26 January (vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 19 April

Board meeting - 19 April

The Board of Health New Zealand |Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 19 April at 9:30am, with the first 30 minutes open to the public. This session will include updates from Board Chair Dame Karen Poutasi and Chief Executive Margie Apa.

Click here to open a new screen and read the open agenda of this meeting: Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Agenda for 19 April 2024 Meeting (DOCX, 194KB)

You can view the open Board session: Video of public session - 19 April 2024 (vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 24 May

Board meeting - 24 May

The Board of Health New Zealand |Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 24 May at 9:30am, with the first 30 minutes open to the public (9:30am to 10am). This session will include updates from Board Chair Dame Karen Poutasi and Chief Executive Margie Apa.

Click here to open a new screen and read the open agenda of this meeting: Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Agenda for 24 May 2024 Meeting (DOCX, 194KB)

You can view the session: Video of public session - 24 May 2024 (vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 27 June

Board meeting - 27 June

The Board of Health New Zealand |Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Thursday 27 June at 9:15am, with the first 30 minutes open to the public (9:15am to 9:45am). 

Click here to open a new screen and read the open agenda of this meeting: Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Agenda for 27 June 2024 Meeting  

You view the session: Video of public session - 27 June 2024 - (vimeo.com)


Board meeting - 27 January

Board meeting - 27 January

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 27 February at 8.45am, with the first hour open to the public. This session will include updates from Board Chair Rob Campbell and Chief Executive Margie Apa.

Join the webinar by registering on Microsoft Teams.

Click here to open a new screen and read the agenda of this meeting:

Board meeting - 24 February

Board meeting - 24 February
The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 24 February at 8.45am. This session will include updates from Board Chair Rob Campbell and Chief Executive Margie Apa.

Board meeting - 24 March

Board meeting - 24 March

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 24 March. The open session is from 10.15-11am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa.

Join the open session via Zoom

Click here to open a new screen and read the agenda of this meeting:

Board meeting - 28 April

Board meeting - 28 April

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 28 April 2023.

Click here to open a new screen and read the agenda of this meeting:

Board meeting - 26 May

Board meeting - 26 May

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 26 May 2023. The open session is from 9.25am – 10.15am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive, Fepulea'i Margie Apa.

Join the open session via Zoom

Click here to open a new screen and read the agenda of this meeting:

Board meeting - 23 June

Board meeting - 23 June

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 23 June 2023. The open session is from 9.35am–10.15am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive, Fepulea'i Margie Apa. 

Join the open session via Zoom

Click here to open a new screen and read the agenda of this meeting

Board meeting - 28 July

Board meeting - 28 July

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 28 July 2023. The open session is from 9:35-10:15am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive, Fepulea'i Margie Apa.

The full Board Meeting Agenda is available online.

You can access the link to the open session here.

Click here to open a new screen and read the agenda of this meeting:

Joint Board meeting - 17 August

Joint Board meeting - 17 August

The Boards of Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora – Māori Health Authority met on Thursday 17 August 2023.

Download the joint Boards' agenda: Agenda 17 August 2023 (PDF, 666KB)

Board meeting - 25 August

Board meeting - 25 August

The Te Whatu Ora Board is meeting on Friday 25 August 2023. The Open Board session is from 9.30 – 11.00am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Fepulea’I Margie Apa.

You can access the open Board session using this link.

Download the agenda for the board meeting:

Public Meeting Agenda – August 2023 (DOCX, 363KB)

You can view the open Board session:

Video of public session, 25 August (Vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 22 September

Board meeting - 22 September

The Te Whatu Ora Board is meeting on Friday 22 September 2023. The Open Board session is from 9.30 – 11.00am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Fepulea’I Margie Apa.

You can access the open Board session using this link.

Download the agenda for the board meeting:

Public Meeting Agenda - September 2023 (DOCX, 361KB)

Download the presentation:

Board Public Session presentation

You can view the open Board session:

Video of public session, 22 September (vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 27 October

Board meeting - 27 October

The Te Whatu Ora Board is meeting on Friday 27 October 2023.  The Open Board session is from 9.30 – 10.30am and will include an update from Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Fepulea’I Margie Apa.

You can access the open Board session using this link.

Download the agenda for the board meeting:

Public Meeting Agenda – October 2023 (DOCX, 279KB)

You can view the open Board session:

Video of public session, 27 October (vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 24 November

Board meeting - 24 November

The Te Whatu Ora Board is meeting on Friday 24 November 2023. The open session will be from 9.30-11am. 

You can access the link to the open session here

Download the agenda for the board meeting: Public Meeting Agenda – November 2023 (DOCX, 237 KB)

Download the presentation: Board Public Session presentation (PDF, 3MB)

You can view the open Board session: Video of public session 24 November (vimeo.com)

Board meeting - 22 December

Board meeting - 22 December

The Te Whatu Ora Board is meeting on Friday, 22 December 2023. There will be no open session.


Board meeting - 1 July

Board meeting - 1 July

Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 1 July 202 (PDF, 1.79MB)

Board meeting - 15 July

Board meeting - 15 July

The Te Whatu Ora Board met online on Friday July 15, 2022.

The Board made the following decisions:

  • Approved organisational policies on Conflict of Interest, Code of Conduct, and Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  • Endorsed increased communication of Board meeting decisions, including publishing meeting dates and key agenda items and decisions
  • Approved terms of reference for seven committees to be established by the Board:
    1. Finance and Audit
    2. Capital and Infrastructure
    3. Data, Digital and Innovation
    4. Clinical Quality Assurance
    5. Health, Safety and Wellbeing
    6. People, Culture, Development and Remuneration
    7. Community and Primary Care

The Board heard presentations from the Public Service Commission and the Ministry of Health and discussed how the entities will work together to drive all-of-system health responses.

Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 15 July 202 (PDF, 1.86MB)

Board meeting - 29 July

Board meeting - 29 July

The Te Whatu Ora Board met on Friday July 29, 2022.

Key Matters addressed:

  1. Workforce. Reviewed the range of pressing issues in the direct and commissioned work force. Noted and approved some initiatives to address these issues which will be implemented and announced. The Board is very aware of the impact on staff and patients and their whānau of these issues and appreciates the efforts of those working to maintain services. These issues are significantly long-term structural issues which require co-ordination with education and professional bodies and other government agencies to resolve. But short-term measures are also necessary and will be implemented where possible. There will continue to be staffing pressure in the meantime.
  2. Health Quality and Safety. Considered some recent adverse clinical events and agreed a national control and review structure for these events. Noted that the Board held ultimate responsibility for these and for any systemic failures which are found. Emphasised accountability at all levels.
  3. Finance. Noted transfer process of finance data and processes and reporting proceeding. Difficulty of getting timely and accurate information from multiple systems. Sound progress being made.
  4. Independent Advice. Noted that where appropriate external members with specialist expertise are being appointed to key committees.
  5. Appointments. Noted progress being made on senior appointments. Mixture of sector experience and external experience required. Emphasis on leadership, change and innovation.
  6. Cost control. Noted ongoing cost pressures and limited discretionary budget. Emphasis to management on reduction and control of overhead costs in favour of front-line initiatives.


Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 29 July 202 (PDF, 1.67MB)

Joint Board meeting - 18 August

Joint Board meeting - 18 August

As scheduled quarterly, the Boards of Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora - Maori Health Authority met online on Thursday August 18, 2022.

The joint Board agenda included the following items:

  1. The process by which Te Aka Whai Ora will exercise its monitoring function in regard to Te Whatu Ora;
  2. A Kawenata between the two organisations covering the operation of their partnership;
  3. A discussion on how the two organisations will conduct their co-commissioning roles in health services;
  4. A discussion on workforce development
  5. A paper on Mental Health Services.

Board meetings are not open for the public to attend. However, immediately after the meeting Board chairs released a summary of outcomes. You can read these here: Summary of joint Board meeting outcomes 18 Aug 2022.

Click here to view the agenda and minutes of this meeting: Joint Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes for 18 August 2022.

Board meeting - 26 August

Board meeting - 26 August

The board of Te Whatu Ora met on Friday 26 August 2022.

The meeting had a strong focus on internal governance and activities.

Other themes included visibility of performance across the system, both financially and operationally. Nothing in that national view caused the board any additional concern, noting that cost control and making efficiencies from the recent system changes will continue to be a focus.

There was considerable discussion around Te Pae Tata, the interim National Health Plan, as it is prepared for publication.

Discussion around the ongoing COVID-19 response had a focus on how best to utilise the workforce and telehealth resource developed over the last two years, to continue on into the new environment and across wider health functions.

The meeting was very supportive of the recent release of the Code of Expectations by the Health Quality Safety Commission. This led to an extended discussion on how best to maintain those standards and the consumer input to them.

Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 26 August 2022 (PDF, 2.26MB)

Board meeting – 23 September

Board meeting – 23 September

The Te Whatu Ora Board met in person in Auckland on Friday 23 September 2022.

The meeting had a focus around delivery and monthly performance, particularly at hospital system level. There was also recognition that the whole system has been busy over the past month, including primary care and in the community sector.

Around public reporting, the CE outlined that the aim is working towards a dashboard which can be made public. This will include information similar to previous health system indicators, with the ability to link through to local level data breakdowns.

The Board also received an update on the planned care work currently underway. The planned care group’s work is in train to be publicly released in coming weeks.

As a general update, planned care capacity changes each day due to the effect of movements on and off the wait list. However, the CE noted that feedback from clinicians across the motu was that patients were being booked and discharged at a rate greater than those being added.

The CE outlined that as at 1 July, there were 5,405 people waiting longer than 365 days for treatment, and by the end of August, more than half of these had been treated, rescheduled or discharged. Numbers should be regarded as dynamic as people come on and off the list.


Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 23 September 2022 (PDF, 3MB)

Board meeting – 28 October

Board meeting – 28 October

The Board met for a full day (in a hybrid online/in person meeting from Taupō) on 28 October 2022. Main points covered were:

  • The immediate pressures on the system as a whole (the Interim Chief Clinical Officer – Medical Dr. Peter Watson was in attendance and advised the Board). The Board remains very concerned about the various pressure points which are evident both from a patient safety and staff wellbeing perspective. The immediate pressures are those from staffing both in terms of numbers and flexibility. The Board encouraged management to continue actively pursuing all avenues to improve these in the most immediately critical areas.
  • The pay and employment relationship pressures in large parts of the system. The Board recognises the long-standing nature of many of these issues and their wider public sector implications. The Board is keen to see resolution and to have anomalies and inadequacies resolved.  This must occur within the funding limits which the Board has, and recognise that at this early stage and given existing commitments there are strong limits on significant spending shifts.
  • The Board reviewed financial performance noting that performance was effectively in line with budget notwithstanding the significant unplanned cost of the additional public holiday. Staff vacancies drive higher per FTE costs. The various internal financial system changes are progressing but the Board notes the significant cost and time impacts which the poor inherited systems impose. The Board remains concerned that unfunded policies or reallocations are a threat to the budget. Budget setting work for 2023/24 is underway.
  • Performance reporting continues to improve. The outstanding issue is the lack of accurate and timely reporting on performance from the funded sector. Systems work continues to improve the quality of hospital sector reporting from a low inherited level.
  • Long term pressures on care provision at all levels and the implementation of changes such as those in the recent planned care report will be key to the accountabilities of national managers as they are appointed. The CE will be leading some significant changes in national management during the next month.
  • The Board had updates from the Ministry of Health and Te Aka Whai Ora and discussed planning for the next joint Board meeting to be held in November.
  • Capital decisions were approved in respect to projects at Counties-Manukau Health Park and new Dunedin Hospital. Some smaller capital projects will be cancelled, subject to final approval.  
  • The programme for mental health infrastructure was updated.
  • The Board approved Ola Manuia - the Pacific Health Plan which will now be subject to widespread consultation and implementation within current budget allocation.
  • The Board discussed and approved progress on a framework for Māori data sovereignty.
  • A risk management framework which remains under development to guide major decisions was reviewed.
  • A further sub-committee and terms of reference was established to oversee and drive environmental sustainability for the health system. Membership will comprise Board and external representatives.


Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 28 October 2022 [PDF, 3.2MB]

Joint Board meeting - 17 November

Joint Board meeting - 17 November

The Boards of Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora – Māori Health Authority met on Thursday 17 November 2022 in Tāmaki Makaurau.

The joint Boards agenda can be viewed here: Joint Boards Agenda - 17 November 2022

Board meeting – 25 November

Board meeting – 25 November

The Board of Te Whatu Ora met on Friday 25 November. The following is a summary of the meeting.

Board Meeting Summary:

The board reviewed the present performance of the health system and the progress being made on system change. The key concerns noted are:

  • the continuing pressure on the workforce across the system. The board supports management initiatives to address immediate actions to alleviate pressure where it can and continue to promote the pay, training and migration changes needed.
  • the pace of change. The board recognises the need for care, but positive delivery of restructuring is vital. The board notes that significant management change is imminent to drive tighter control and efficiency in management overhead roles, and ensure clinical input is integrated into change planning.

The board has noted progress on reporting and data within the system but recognises that we remain a long way from having the required quality and timeliness of information and systems that support its automation.

Communication within and externally is not at the required level. Some structural changes are being implemented to improve this. So far as the board itself is concerned, we have decided that at each board meeting a one hour session will be open to media. These sessions will follow a format of a short CE presentation and the remainder a comment and question session amongst board members. The first will address current state and system change and each subsequent session will address a specific issue.

The board reviewed financial performance, noted that accurate data continues to be a work in progress. However, the organisation is performing effectively in line with budget. There is no room for new unfunded activities. The board requires prompt management. action to deliver overhead efficiencies as a management priority to enable reinvestment in front line care. 

National performance reporting is improving but inadequate. The emphasis in this work is on establishing key metrics relevant to change and public understanding. The board will be establishing performance targets for itself and for management accountability.

The board reviewed the Localities programme and noted the need to make more progress on establishment and on clarifying their function and purpose and initial expectations.

The board gave specific approvals to proceeding with tender of the Mason Clinic facility, a program of payment for Government consideration for paying family carers, presentation to Government on continuing Covid-19 funding, and very importantly expansion of cancer screening programmes. The board has resolved to seek support from other agencies for funding solutions.

The board continues to add highly qualified external members to our various committees, a full current list will be issued when some current appointments are completed.

Click here to open a new screen and read the minutes of this meeting: Te Whatu Ora Board Meeting Minutes 25 November 2022 [PDF, 3.3MB]

Board meeting – 23 December

Board meeting – 23 December

The Board of Te Whatu Ora is meeting on Friday 23 December at 8.30am, with the first hour open to the public. This session will include updates from Board Chairman Rob Campbell and Chief Executive Margie Apa.

The live streaming will have limited band width and a recording will be posted on the Te Whatu Ora website on Friday 23 December 2022, once the open session is closed.

Link to join Webinar: https://mohnz.zoom.us/j/81999707993

View the minutes.

Interim agency Board meetings

2021-22 Board meeting agendas and minutes for interim Health New Zealand and the interim Māori Health Authority are available here: Interim Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes