Health Provider Index overview

The HPI identifies health practitioners, health provider organisations and facilities (the physical address where the health care takes place) in three separate indexes.

The indexes are:

Index Identifier Name Description
Practitioner HPI CPN
(Common Person Number) 
issued to Practitioners (people) who provide health services
Organisation HPI ORG ID  issued to Organisations that provide health services.
Facility HPI FAC ID

issued to named facilities (locations) at which an Organisation provides health services.

Practitioner Role PracRole ID

holds the relationship details of practitioners to the places where they work and the organizations they work for, and the role they have there.

The format for each of the identifiers is:

HPI CPN NNXXXX where N is numeric and X is Alphabetic 
HPI ORG ID GXXNNN-C where X is alphanumeric, N is numeric and C is a check character


where X is alphanumeric, N is numeric and C is a check character
PracRole ID


where R is a constant character, X is alphanumeric, N is numeric and C is a check character

Practitioner (or Person)

HPI CPNs are issued as a single identifier for the person.

Each person will have one and only one HPI CPN for use wherever they work.

CPNs are issued on receipt of health practitioner data supplied to the HPI by the Responsible Authorities who have signed a Data Provision Agreement.

The Responsible Authorities currently supplying data are:

Chinese Medicine Council Monthly
Chiropractic Board
         Te Poari Kaikorohiti o Aotearoa
Dental Council
         Te Kaunihera Tiaki Niho
Dietitians Board
         Te Mana Mātanga Mātai Kai
Medical Council of New Zealand
         Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa


Medical Radiation Technologists Board
         Te Poari Ringa Hangarua Iraruke
Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand
         Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora o Aotearoa
Midwifery Council
         Te Tatau o te Whare Kahu


Nursing Council of New Zealand
         Te Kaunihera Tapuhi o Aotearoa
Occupational Therapy Board
         Te Poari Whakaora Ngangahau o Aotearoa
On request
Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board
         Te Poari a ngā Kaimātai Whatu me ngā Kaiwhakarato Mōhiti
Osteopathic Council
         Te Kaunihera Whakanao kōiwi Uau
Paramedic Council
         Te Kaunihera Manapou
Pharmacy Council
         Te Pou Whakamana Kaimatū o Aotearoa
Physiotherapy Board
         Te Poari Tiaki Tinana o Aotearoa
Podiatrists Board
         Te Poari Tiaki Waewae o Aotearoa
Psychologists Board
         Te Poari Kaimātai Hinengaro o Aotearoa
Psychotherapists Board
         Te Poari o nga Kaihaumanu Hinengaro o Aotearoa

Practitioners can obtain their HPI CPN by contacting the Responsible Authority they are registered with.

Alternatively, the HPI CPN can be obtained by emailing with the full name, the registration number and the Responsible Authority they are registered with.

All of this info is vital to ensure positive identification and supply of the correct HPI CPN.


HPI Org Ids are issued (on request) to organisations (legal entities) that provide Health Services.

Organisations that provide healthcare can be one of many types of trading entity eg Company, Charitable Trust, non-registered partnership or Sole Traders.

Wherever possible the validity of the Organisation is confirmed - by searching for and recording their NZBN. The NZBN is a MBIE assigned identifier that uniquely identifies a trading entity. All registered trading entities (Companies, Trusts etc ) are assigned NZBN. Unregistered trading entities (such as Sole Traders and partnerships) may have an NZBN.

Sub-organisations are defined when:

  • Parts of an Organisation operate as if they are discrete businesses or have separate bank accounts . Examples include
    • discrete medical practices - all owned by the same Organisation
    • 2 Pharmacies owned by the same Company but operated as separate businesses
  • required for credentialing purposes ie the HPI Organisation Id is used in identifying the source of transactions so when the same organisation has 2 or more identical applications being run by different departments, they require different HPI Org Ids.

Organisations can be defined without any related facilities.

Sole Trader Organisations are related to the persons CPN (wherever possible). This allows/provides a degree of validation and identification - especially where there can be multiple sole traders with similar names (eg John Smith).

Changes in the Organisation owning or operating a health service will usually require the issue of an HPI org Id to the new owning/operating Organisation.


Requests for HPI Org Ids should be sent to and contain the following information:

  • Full Legal name of the organisation or Sole Trader
  • Trading Name (if different)
  • Physical Address
  • Mailing Address
  • NZBN

Type of Health Service eg Pharmacy, Acupuncture, etc…

Generally requests for new organisations are actioned within 1 business day with requests for large numbers of organisations taking longer.


HPI Facility Ids are issued (on request) for named locations at which an Organisation provides Health Services.

This definition means the each facility must be related to one and only one Organisation.

This relationship will change whenever the Organisation operating the facility changes - due to change in ownership, organisation restructure (if Org/Fac relationship is between a sub-org and the facility) or similar reasons.

Requests for new facilities can be made by email to with the following information:

  • Legal Name of Organisation that will own/manage/operate the facility
  • Name of the facility
  • Street address of the facility (and any other info such as building name if relevant)
  • Contact details for the facility eg Phone, email, url, edi - not a persons name
  • Type of facility – eg mobile vaccination site, Pharmacy etc

Generally requests for new facilities are actioned within 1 business day with requests for large numbers of facilities taking longer.



 A monthly listing of Open facilities is available for download from the bottom of the facility code table section here.

Practitioner Role

Practitioner Role is a new index (added 2023) to record the relationship  between practitioners (identified by their CPN) and their place of work (identified by Facility Id) and/or the Organisation they work for (identified by HPI Org Id).

The practitioners role, start date, end date contact details (where these cannot be derived from the facility ) are also recorded.

Practitioner Role records will be added/maintained directly by Health Sector organisations using FHIR API's.

A practitioner can have many roles.

It is expected that the population of Prac Role will develoip through 2024 as more organisations gain the capability of adding and maintaining the data .