These guidelines were published in 2019 and are awaiting review, due 2022. Some content may be outdated.

Normal anatomy scan




Routine anatomy scan


EDD by earliest ultrasound at [ ] weeks: [ ]

Gestational age: [ ] weeks [ ] days ± [7] days.




Anatomy scan:

Fetal measurements:

Biparietal diameter (BPD) [ ] mm

Head circumference (HC) [ ] mm

Abdominal circumference (AC) [ ] mm

Femur length (FL) [ ] mm

Nuchal fold [ ] mm.


Cardiac activity present

Normal fetal movements

Amniotic fluid: normal

Cord: 3 vessels

Placenta: [anterior/posterior/fundal], [not low lying].


Fetal anatomy:

The following were visualised and appear normal:


Head, brain, face, spine, heart (4Ch view and great vessels), diaphragm, stomach, abdominal wall, kidneys and bladder, limbs.


No maternal adnexal abnormality.




Normal anatomy scan.


Report conclusions


Incomplete anatomy scan


Incomplete anatomy scan.


Visualisation of the fetal [ ] was limited by [fetal position/maternal habitus, etc]. A follow‑up scan has been arranged for [date].


Technically difficult but grossly normal scan


Technically difficult scan due to [maternal habitus, etc]. Allowing for this, no fetal anomaly has been identified.


Low-lying placenta


Normal fetal anatomy.


The placenta is low lying. The lower placental margin is [ ] mm from the internal cervical os. A follow-up scan is recommended at 32 weeks.


Fetal demise


Unfortunately, appearances today are those of a fetal demise at [ ] weeks, [ ] days by [measurements]. [Woman’s name] is aware, and the results have been telephoned to [referrer’s name]. (Please document other relevant findings such as fetal anomaly.)


Cervical length screening (in a high-risk woman)


The cervix measures [ ] mm and appears normal without funnelling.


The cervix is short, measuring [ ] mm, without evidence of funnelling. Follow-up scan and specialist opinion is recommended.


The cervix is short, measuring [ ] mm, with funnelling. Results have been telephoned to [referrer’s name].


The cervix is completely open, with membranes bulging into the lower cervix/vagina. Results have been telephoned to [referrer’s name].


Renal dilatation


There is [right/left/bilateral] renal pelvic dilatation, [with/without] peripheral calyceal dilatation (Grade A1/A2/A3). A follow-up scan is recommended at 32 weeks.


See Appendix 7: Fetal renal tract dilation charts.


Monochorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancy


Monochorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancy, [ ] weeks, [ ] days by [earliest scan]. Fortnightly scans to screen for twin-twin transfusion syndrome are recommended from 16 weeks.


Isolated muscular VSD


Isolated muscular VSD, [ ] mm. Specialist review and detailed fetal echocardiogram is recommended.


Isolated peri-membranous VSD


Isolated peri-membranous VSD, [ ] mm. Specialist review and detailed fetal echocardiogram is recommended.