Published data

Data on various health topics is available in numerous publications regularly released by the Ministry of Health along with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, and can be accessed under subject headings in the Health statistics and data sets section.

National collections

National collections

The latest data and statistics from the National Collections are now published in the Data and statistics section on our website.

Older information is still available on the Ministry of Health website.

Further information about these publications can be found in the publications section on the Ministry website.

View more information in our national collections section.

Population Surveys

Population Surveys

Data from population surveys has been reported by Health & Disability Intelligence in the following publications:

Further information about these publications can be found in the Publications section, which is currently on the Ministry of Health website.

Find out more from the Ministry's Surveys section.

Unpublished data

To access specific information which isn't normally available in our publications, you need to make a customised request. These require additional information from our databases.

Policies about accessing additional data vary depending on whether that data comes from national collections or population surveys.

National collections

National collections

Contact the Analytical Services team by emailing with a description of the information required. Some of these information requests cost - the team will send you details about any payment necessary.

For more information, the Current Data Access Policy document contains details of the data available and the ways you can obtain access.

Population surveys

Population surveys

Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs) of our population surveys may be available to bona fide researchers after we have released key survey results.

CURFs have had all identifying information about individuals removed, and have been modified to protect individual information.
Population survey CURFs have now been placed in the Statistics New Zealand Data Archive. Statistics New Zealand now manages researcher access to these datasets.

For eligibility criteria and how you can apply for access to the microdata, see Confidentialised Unit Record Files at Statistics New Zealand.