This navigation guide has been prepared to help people identify places in Te Pae Tata interim New Zealand Health Plan 2022 likely to be of interest to particular populations and communities in New Zealand. The health and wellbeing needs and expectations of these communities were closely considered in preparing the plan. This guide will lead you to key content in Te Pae Tata that may be specifically relevant to you.

What it is

Improve care for our trans and intersex whanau

Improve care for our trans and intersex whanau

Where it is

Stronger primary and community care: Section 3.3, page 61


What it says in Te Pae Tata

  • Improve access to primary healthcare services for transgender peoples (Budget 22)

  • Support practitioners to provide best practice healthcare to intersex children/young people and empower people to make informed decisions about medical interventions (Budget 22).

The drive for health equity is the first foundation for the transformed system

The drive for health equity is the first foundation for the transformed system

Where it is

Health equity matters for everyone: Building our foundations, page 15


What it says in Te Pae Tata

  • All New Zealanders are given the opportunity to achieve good health and wellbeing outcomes regardless of who they are or where they live.

Amplify the voices of consumers and whanau and make it simpler for all communities to engage with decision makers, both regionally and nationally

Amplify the voices of consumers and whanau and make it simpler for all communities to engage with decision makers, both regionally and nationally

Where it is

Valuing the voices of consumers and whanau: Section 1.1, page 24


What it says in Te Pae Tata

  • Establish a National Consumer Network

  • Work with the Health Quality and Safety Commission (HQSC) to create a Code of Expectations and a Centre of Excellence

  • Measure consumer and whanau experience using approaches that support the diversity of their voices

  • People and whanau-centred service design to deliver benefits and improve equity of outcomes